Take a Walk

Today is national take a walk day where I live…. I guess that means that I should go for a walk today in the inclement weather that we are having… Why couldn’t this day have fallen on a day when the sun was shining? Then I would have been more than happy to go for a walk!! Simple as that…

But no… we are having rain and it is windy making it so that I want to stay inside. But what is “National go for a walk day” anyway? Is this the only day of the year to go for a walk or am I allowed to go for a walk on other days too??? I don’t really need a national day to make me go outside and go for a walk and anyway; Just one day a year…. Doesn’t seem like much to me!

They say that a person should take regular walks to stay healthy and to do that I think you have to walk more than one day a year?? Or am I wrong???? And how many people know that today is “National go for a walk day?” ….. I sure didn’t until someone told me. I have been wandering around all day not knowing this important tidbit of information! I feel somewhat left out of the information chain here and how should I deem the importance of such information too??

Okay, I have always heard people say that going for a walk is a good way to let off steam if you are upset, so does that mean I can only let off steam once a year… What do I do the other days then??

These sort of new days always make me wonder who thinks up such stuff and do they get paid for the idea??? If they do get paid; please tell me where the company is that makes-up this stuff, because if they pay well then I will apply for a job there. Don’t forget to send me the address please!

I can see it now.. Forget my boring 9 to 5 office job! No, I can have a 9 to 5 office job where I can think of special day that should be thought about that no one thinks about…. I feel success is just waiting for me around the corner! I think I will take tomorrow off to celebrate my “idea day” and so please do not try to contact me tomorrow at my office because I am not there but celebrating my new “idea day”…. Please don’t tell your friends about this or else they may want to join in on it too!!

Enjoy your walk or idea or both, because they both can be fun!

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