A Couple of Calories Today

With all the talk and articles about the calories in drinks and food I am not too sure about what are they all trying to tell me……… A surmounting amount of questions…… and the worries never stop…OMG

With the fashionable coffee drinks of the season with the trillions of calories that will probably make me fall over just looking at it. I wonder why everyone is up in arms about the calories…… no one is forcing me to drink those beverages, and I can choose what I like to drink and if I want one of those trillion calorie drinks then I am simply going to drink it; whether it is healthy for me or not.

The same holds true for the food we eat ….. Trillions of calories in everything and nothing is healthy…. One week this and the next week that …. I just can’t seem to keep up with all these calories loaded foods let alone the money I would have to spend each week changing my diet to keep-up with the latest fad…. This is all too mind boggling for me.

Plus, to top it off, I am still alive and managing without all those reminders that I had a piece of toast with butter or I ate 2 eggs for breakfast and downed it with a couple of cups of coffee and to make things worse had a glass of orange juice. Sugar in the orange juice, cholesterol in the eggs and butter and fat in the butter, oh and not to forget the caffeine in my coffee and my day has just started….

Then there is lunch with its dangers lingering somewhere in the shadows of my life. I think I’ll go for a salad. Is it healthy????? Maybe or maybe not…. With no salad dressing I am on the safe side or maybe just a honeymoon salad then I know for sure I am eating healthy, and a glass of water to down the bland tasting leaves of the salad. I feel like I am the picture of health now!!

But there is the afternoon coffee-break there just tempting me to drink one of those flavorful beverages with only a trillion calories ….. I want one but all the articles say they are bad for me. I stare through the window of the coffee shop admiring all those people who are sitting there enjoying themselves without a care in the world and no thoughts about the trillion calories either…. Tears swell in my eyes as trillions of little calories prance through my brain and they get the best of me and I go inside and order and enjoy a trillion calories and who cares, because it is only winter once a year and I need to enjoy myself sometimes and do all those things that the articles try to make me worry about.

No worries here and of those trillions of calories….. Well hey, Life is like that and everyone has to make up their own minds!