Sataurday’s Can Be Fun!

HI Freinds,
We thought maybe you would like to meet us too!
freddi die Bratpfanne und Henny in Hamburg

Freddi die Bratpfanne und Henny

Hi friends,
Yesterday was such a really great day! Freddi and me were really feathering around town.
Henny and Goerdie
Freddi and me with Geordie the goose. .. We had to be careful, because he wanted to bite us. I think he forgot who we were because we hadn’t seen each other for years.
Me and Freddi enjoying an Alsterwasser …. Nothing better than a refreshing stop before fluttering about town again.
tea and friends_edit
Freddi and me enjoying a tea with some of my other friends that Freddi didn’t know before…. I think Freddi enjoys meeting new freinds.

We hope that you had a great Saturday too?
Freddi die Bratpfanne und Henny

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Sorry No Selfie Today

It was brought to my attention the other day that young people take at least 30 “selfies” of themselves a day. Where do they find the time???

It got me thinking about selfies and if took 30 of myself in a day …. How would I manage?

So, I guess the first one would be when I get-up in the morning….. You probably would have a heart attack if you saw me, so I guess I won’t post one of me getting-up…. Thank goodness you say!!

Selfie number 2: Just showered, wet hair in my old bathrobe and drinking a cup of coffee… Now that is a picture to share with the world…Or???

Selfie number 3: Brushing my teeth and putting my make-up on all at the same time… Now you say: “that is a picture I want to see”!

Selfie number 4: Me doing the dishes before going to work. I bet you never saw anyone doing that before? Or is there someone at your house who does that too?

Selfie number 5: Standing at the bus stop…. Now that could be an action packed photo. I did a background check, my hair is perfect and I look good until the wind comes along right when the picture is being taken…. Who cares … post it anyway! I am at the bus stop

Selfie number 6: (To be honest I am getting tired of taking selfies and I am only at picture number 6) But the day is young and “Selfies” will make my day better…. Hopefully???

Selfie number 7: forgot to take number 6 … we’ll just skip one! Now here I am waiting for the commuter train on the platform with all the other happy commuters…. Don’t you feel that this is a must take picture to show everyone?? I do

Selfie number 8: at the office… in my office wow… This is a cool place a must picture!!! Of course with me in it…

Selfie number 9: Me by the coffee machine at work… Aren’t you impressed??

Selfie number 10: can’t take it, big boss says no!! Party pooper

Selfie number 11: no group picture either. Everyone in the office is too busy to stop for a group Selfie…. Where is the fun here?? This Selfie stuff is turning into a full time job and I am not sure if I have time to do my job now or should I be taking Selfies

Selfie number 12: Me eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich at my desk…. Now that is something to write home about!

Selfie number 13: Leaving the office for the day… How do you like me waving at you?? Aren’t I just full of original ideas for my Selfies???

Selfie number 14: Me getting a shopping trolley at the grocery store… I bet you never thought that my life was so exciting? Did you????

Selfie number 15: A gallon of milk in my hand… you never knew that was what a gallon of milk looked like before??? Well, if you didn’t now you know.

Selfie number 16- 29: requires too much energy on my part and the battery is getting low on my Smartphone.

Selfie number 30: in the kitchen again… where I was this morning only now making dinner…. I hope everyone is hungry and likes what I am cooking?

Sorry no more selfies today!

Shopping for shoes…. A worrying or trying job?

After reading an article about where women’s shoes are placed on shelves of shoe stores; it got me thinking and of course as a gal I rushed out to the nearest shoe store to take a look at where all the shoes were placed according to size.

What I mean is top shelf small sizes or are there stores with large sizes first….. The challenges of trying to find a pair of shoes and now with summer approaching there are the summer styles too.

OMG… I feel stressed out before evening looking for my size. Now where I live sneakers are all the rage in every style and color and price range. Okay, sneakers are nice and comfortable, but I as a gal don’t want to wear them with every outfit… Shoe makers take heed!!!

Then as I looked through the rows of sneakers … of course they were the first to see when I entered the shoe store and yes, small sizes on the top shelf and larger sizes place on the lower shelves…. Bigger your foot the more you need to bend-over to find your size. But all those sneakers staring at me didn’t have that “ flare” that is needed to compel me to buy them. Plus the sandal styles are almost exactly the same as last year…. Now what??? I bought a new pair Last year and they still look like new…. Okay, don’t tell anyone or they may point down at my sandals and say “ Ah, last year’s style”….. A traumatizing thought indeed.

As a gal I need those sandals or maybe even a pair of sneakers before the warm weather comes. What would happen if a warm day fell upon us and there I was out and about without my sandals on or my new summer sneakers??? I hope I don’t get any gray hairs from this worrying thought!!!

I have looked and searched the shelves of endless shoe stores only to leave them in a bewildered state thinking to myself…. “Where should I go next or just say the heck with it and go home?” But my shoe money is burning a hole in my pocket… I have to buy a new pair or else be crowned the wearer of last summer’s shoe style.. HELP

Shoes are always screaming out at me no matter where I turn or where I am… on TV commercials, in magazines or on billboards…. SHOES… SNEAKERS saying buy me you need me and you will look good any have lots of friends if you wear these. What do I do now??? Confusion is twirling around in my brain… I need all those shoes… I want to be cool and have thousands of friends; Okay maybe thousands of friends is a bit over doing it, but not being cool… OMG!!

The perils of shopping for shoes! I hope you find the pair you are looking for… and enjoy them

Outboard Motor Memoires

This is sort of a guy topic, but I am sure some of you gals know about this too.

The other day was the anniversary of Mr. Evinrude the man who invented the outboard motor years ago.

I thank Mr. Evinrude because without his invention I wouldn’t have been able to spend so many wonderful hours on a lake when I was a kid. That outboard motor attached to the back of the small boat that helped us get from our dock to someplace else on the lake was wonderful…..

I remember when the time came when my dad built a bigger boat and then bought a larger outboard motor, but still the joy of being out on the lake fishing or just being out there with my dad was great! And all that thanks to an outboard motor.

Sure we rowed around too in a smaller boat because we weren’t old enough to drive a big boat, but who cared…. Not me!!! The main thing was being outside enjoying the sunshine and water. Years pasted and we needed a new outboard motor (sorry, the brand name …I can’t remember).

But still the trusty outboard motor did its job…okay sometimes it wouldn’t start on the first, second or even the third pull because the motor got flooded and my dad would get really upset and use words I won’t repeat….. But, I learned some new words from those trying moments…Thanks dad!!

Or another time out fishing and my dad wanted to “start her up” as he would say and pulled the cord and it snapped….. Now that was something 2 miles from our dock and we had to paddle the whole way back…. I thought it was great fun, but not my dad as you can imagine!!!

Once back on shore I had to tell my mom all about the fun we had and my dad was about to explode because of the “GD-outboard motor”, and to make matters worse I asked my dad what “GD” meant….definitely a bad move on my part!!!

When I think back about all those great times I had I feel sorry for the Kids today because they aren’t allowed to do things alone anymore…. Like me and my friends out catching minnows with a net and rowing around the lake for hours…. No one worried about us and we were free to enjoy ourselves , but we never did anything stupid either and were responsible , or we walked around the lake on a path along the edge of the lake…… no problems, no injuries….just plain fun!!!

It was better that any computer game and taught us self-confidence , social skills and how to remember how to get from A to B and back without GPS or calling someone for help.

Those were the days, and if you have an outboard motor and boat…. Enjoy it and cherish the memories that it brings you!

Sunny days are on the way…

Grocery Store Here I Come!

There is supposed to be a new shopping App on the way that will make my grocery shopping a really fun and a quick experience…….. No more fun wandering the aisle for me!!!

The little App is there to help me and make my life easier or so they say. Just scan your stuff at home that you need to buy and then you are on your way to the grocery store and once inside the GPS system shows you where to find those products….. Why do I have a brain???

I see a nightmare approaching … There I stand in my kitchen and think to myself (thank goodness I can still do that without an App) “High time to go to the grocery store”, now what??? Normally I make myself a list …. Like lots of people do; so I know what I want to buy. Well, I guess that is too old fashioned!

Now I need to take a picture of everything that I want to buy at that one and only grocery store…. Now firstly, I need a Smartphone that I can take pictures with and has App’s and the battery has to be fully charged or else my shopping picture list won’t exist…. This will take more time than me writing my shopping list on a piece of paper….. Where’s my pen????

But what really worries me is the fact that I have to constantly be taking pictures of the packages of things that I have bought and want to buy again. How much time do I have??? Let’s see: the pile of empty packaging that I saved; Smartphone ready to take pictures- laying out all the old packaging … OMG I threw some packaging out…. Now what???? My shopping trip is down the drain and it hasn’t even started yet….. NO bad hair day… But a bad grocery shopping day!!!

With sweat running down my brow I manage after 45 minutes to photograph all the stuff that I want to buy, and I still need to write a list for the stuff that I couldn’t take a picture of… now I am up to 60 minutes being wasted of my time. But saving time is of the essence!!!

There I enter the grocery store and my App automatically sends me a GPS signal so that I can find the stuff that I took a picture of at home quicker… Life can be so simple at times…. No brain required here!

Though I do have to watch were I am going. I don’t want to collide with anyone in my race to save time to get what I took pictures of. But can you image if you bought a product that was a special and the grocery store doesn’t have it anymore and my App doesn’t tell me this…. I feel that could just ruin my GPS shopping experience then and there!!

Now I have to turn to my paper list and there I stand in the middle of an aisle not knowing which way to turn because there is no GPS on my list and I have to depend on my brain power and wander the aisles aimlessly looking for that one product that I couldn’t take a picture of….. The perils of getting lost in the aisles of a grocery store!!!

But what is far worse is the thought that your battery on your Smartphone dies while in the grocery store because I forgot to charge it. Now there you go….. A nightmare that could only happen because I was trying to save time take loads of pictures and run the GPS all at the same time….. Good bye battery

Though with all those time saving Apps and stuff I must admit I will stick to the method that I like to use… the good’ol piece of paper with what I have written on it…. And to manage my way through the aisles of the grocery store… I will take my chances without GPS…. I like challenges and there is no better place than at the grocery store!

So, should you be thinking about going to the grocery store; remember your shopping list and make sure your battery in your Smartphone is fully charged or else…


This is probably a product that lots of people buy, but have you ever thought about what was written about the product and how it is going to give you a whole new experience in life….. Deodorant here I come!!!

I recently started reading the ads for deodorants and what the companies wrote about the product promising me an earth moving experience if I buy their product….. The question is “ What to buy”??….. Right??????

There is the product that promise no white residue, so that I can wear dark clothing fearlessly….. I never was in fear before when I wore dark clothes and I used a different brand of deodorant ……. Ohha…. Trouble is probably brewing and tomorrow should I decide to wear something dark colored to work, then for sure I could see something on the inside of the garment that I will be wearing. But does anyone see that besides me???? At least no one up to now has said anything to me about “white residue” and I have never worried about it before…. Time to start worrying (I guess)

Plus, the thought of getting caught for a day or two away from home…. Now that gives me a real feeling of protection though from what I am not too sure, but with the advanced technology one defiantly has nothing to fear. Somehow I have never seen technology in my deodorant; okay maybe in the research sure, but in the little container… never!!!
What does “technology” look like in a deodorant stick or spray??? Anyone out there know?????

Then there is the one that is an essential component for the handbag …. What is that, a spare part for my car or what??? And it will help me when I am on the run, so that I won’t asphyxiate everyone around me , because I forgot to apply this product at 10 minute intervals throughout my working day… Keep your distance; I may have body odor.

Everything is also made to keep me dry and smelling great for days…. What happened to washing / showing yourself daily and wearing clean clothes…. Again I am missing something. I was brought-up that you showered daily and put on clean clothes and undergarments.

Somehow that 48 hour bit seems a bit scary to me, but then again technology is in the product and that is what counts!

Women’s Pages

Now gals don’t misunderstand me here, but I was just reading the women’s pages on some online newspapers… Okay, I know you are thinking doesn’t she have anything better to do with her time? The thing is I admit reading those pages while other say …. “Me, I never read that stuff”……

I am always amazed at what I can learn from those pages here are some examples:

1. Getting older changes how you look and feel ….. WOW, I never knew that and that your make-up sinks into your wrinkles…. OMG… Scream out loud!!!!

2. Train my brain not to eat food that is bad for me….. WELL, I’ll just have to have a serious word with my brain later on today before I open the fridge door!!

3. A wooden bottle that I can pour my cheap wine into and should make it taste better…. What do I do if guests are coming around and they see that I use this wooden bottle thing…. They are going to think that I am a real tight wad and probably not drink all that so called great tasting cheap wine…… good money down the drain

4. Names of kids have effects on their careers later on in life….. I bet my mom never even thought about it back then and how many other people are walking around out there too without their parents thinking in advance about what their child’s career should be when they grow up??? I will have to take a closer look at my name and see how much it actually affected my career …. I need facts!!!

5. Knowing about wine in four hours… probably by then I will be drunk from all the wine I drank before so in the end everything tastes good PROST!!!

6. Beauty secrets that will keep me looking younger….. I know now that I will be looking good in no time!!!

7. Last but not least… cook something to eat. Recipes to make your mouth water! I love that first I need to watch my weight take care of my brain; I’m getting older and have the wrong name. Drink cheap wine out of a wooden bottle and maybe get drunk by learning all about wine but I know after all that excitement I need some beauty tips to make me look great again before I start to cook all those great recipes at the bottom of the page!!

Isn’t it just great gals knowing that all this important information is out there to better our lives!! Enjoy it

The Chocolate Bunny

An older post but I still like it even today with the memories of Easter.

sue romeiser

It was brought to my attention that Easter is just around the corner and hopefully the Easter bunny will find his way to my place with his GPS tracking system.

I can remember when I was a kid that was a great time of year and I believed that the Easter bunny visited our house not like kids now-a-days not believing in anything. And if the weather was warm enough we could search for Easter eggs outside; though I did have to be pretty fast because if I wasn’t our dog Cesar would find the chocolate eggs before me and eat them paper and all. The amazing part was that Cesar never got sick from eating so much chocolate with paper and if he did I never noticed it.

But I can remember one Easter that was really cold and the snow was still on the ground so that meant…

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