Cellulite and Fake Tans

Gals you cannot believe it ,but I read the other day that with a fake tan my cellulite disappears… Now how this works I can only guess????

The questions are just bouncing around my brain “Cellulite and Fake Tans”??? And the worse part is, is that my brain cannot answer the question… I’m getting old!!

But as a gal I don’t give-up so quickly and the idea that my skin will have an orange hue to it along with no cellulite is an interesting thought, I think…. Believe it or not?

So, I decided to pop-out to my local drug store and check out all those fake tanning products and believe me there were plenty to choose from. What I noticed while I was standing there looking at all those fake tanning products and when I picked one up to read how to use it; the print seemed to have gotten smaller. I mean really now “What is that supposed to be with the small print?” There on the back of the bottle in micro-mini print was how to use it.

I think I need a microscope to read what is written, otherwise I have no idea what is written there. I went to get myself one of those shopping trollies with a magnifying glass.. I felt like a jerk, but I wanted to read what was written on the bottle.

There before my eyes was written on the bottle was that this product will give you the feeling that you don’t have anymore cellulite.

This stuff is exactly what I need and so I bought 2 bottles of fake tanning products, which almost bankrupted me at the same time after paying $75.00, but hey I want to look young and with a suntan without the sun.

Once home I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower and was going to apply the fake tanning gel to my skin when I noticed that in the small print it said “Try this product on a small spot of skin before applying it to your whole body.”…. Who follows those instructions????? Not me!!

Though I did have some worries about stripes from not applying the product correctly.

Once finished I should wait a bit and then my instant fake tan will/would appear…. So, with my trusty cup of coffee in my hand I waited it out and kept an eye on my cellulite to see if it would disappear…. No luck so far after 2 hours, just an orange colored hue which didn’t do much for my looks….

I looked more like I dunked myself into an orange colored bath, like you would color an Easter egg. Thank goodness in these times; I don’t or shouldn’t leave the house so that none of my friends or the people at work will/would see me. Because if they did it would be an OMG moment to say the least!!!

Just imagine I go to work and ask my PA to do something for me and she see’s me with my orange hue skin color….. The rest is history!

My cellulite is still there, My skin has an orange color hue to it and I am still at home. Sometimes things aren’t as they seem/ say they will be….. That’s life!

Challenges of Chocolate

There you have it in a nutshell… The challenges of chocolate, and the temptations of every time you go to the grocery store.

I recently experienced this problem which really was somewhat of an experience.

There I was in my local grocery store and my trolly was half full with toilet paper (for what reason I can’t tell you- I guess it was a go with the flow moment???) After I pulled myself back into reality, that I needed something to eat, because I can’t eat toilet paper. I steered my trolly through the aisles putting things into my trolly that I could eat and there and then around the next corner was the aisle with chocolate…..
My heart was racing, and my brain said to me “you must go down this aisle”. I did and there before my eyes I was standing alone looking at both sides of the aisle filled with chocolate.

You can not image what a “rush” that was for me after being stranded in my house for a couple of weeks…
I wanted to run my arm behind all the chocolate and let it fall into my trolly! The feeling was overwhelming. Never before had I felt the joy of strolling down an aisle with chocolate before.

Maybe some of you out there know this feeling too???

I pulled myself back into reality and just stood there and thought “which sort of chocolate should I buy?” Because every piece of chocolate was now tempting; not like in the past were I would walk down the aisle where the chocolate was and just ignore it. Now the chocolate aisle is/ was a feeling / experience in my new world were I don’t get to go out every day.

After standing there for what seemed to me like an eternity , which probably was may be 5 minutes of joy for me; I decide to buy 5 chocolate bars, and when I got home I ate one of them right away , and it gave me the feeling that was indescribable because no money in the world could replace that feeling I had while I was savoring every bite of my chocolate bar.

Plus, the joy that I had just holding onto the candy bar – I had never in the past thought about it and always took these simple life’s pleasures for granted, but now since having to stay home and only go out when allowed too, I have taken a different view on these little life’s pleasures.

Next time you are grocery shopping, treat yourself to one of life’s little pleasures, and when you get home you can sit back and enjoy it!


Splash -Splash in my Kiddy Pool

Well, as things are and the warmer days are slowly approaching and we’re not only thinking about our figure or better said I’m not thinking about my figure and if anyone ever saw me in a bikini; the beach would be cleared-out in a minute…..OMG!!!

But this year I don’t have to worry about clearing the beach out because I have bought the beach to my back yard. Okay, you can forget the sand, but the feeling is there.

You know really, creativity is needed nowadays and so with a giant poster which I have hung on the fence in my back yard, which is a picture of my last vacation hot spot…. I am directly on the beach without leaving home! What could be better????

Just imagine sitting there in your kiddy pool (no PG-13 here), just the pure luxury of your kiddy pool and your favorite drink in your hand….. Life at its best!!! Sitting there in your kiddy pool looking at the poster and dreaming of that vacation.

The best bit is you don’t have to fight the traffic to get there nor worry about missing your flight either. The kiddy pool is directly at your backdoor doorstep… Life couldn’t be easier!!

Plus, I read some great tips on the internet as to how I can fill my kiddy pool up with water…..

One idea was to use a plastic bottle… Sport program before swimming… that’s for me!!! All I need to do is fill-up a plastic bottle with water and then pour the water out into my kiddy pool and after about ten thousand times of walking back and forth my kiddy pool is full of water and I am totally exhausted and need a nap to recover from filling my kiddy pool up with water.

Then again halfway through this whole sporting activity I will need to take a break for a beer to recover from those strenuous calories that I lost walking back and forth with my plastic bottle.
And what is even worse by the time I finish this whole thing with the water then it is evening and it is too cold to even think about using my kiddy pool…..XY?F

Though there was a life hack (great suggestion if you own a hose); were you fill-up your kiddy pool with water using a hose…. Good idea if you own one, but I don’t own a hose…. So I am SOL!!!! But without a hose I am burning calories running back and forth with my plastic bottle of water for my kiddy pool and bikini figure here I come!!

Okay, finally I got my kiddy pool filled-up with water and it looks good too, but OMG the water is sooooooo cold it could freeze your backside off…. I think I’ll put-off my swimming adventure in my kiddy pool for now and just enjoy the poster that I hung on my fence in my back yard and think about all those great vacation memories.

Enjoy your vacation memories, because they last longer than a kiddy pool!

Need a Coffee Break?

HI everyone out there in the internet world who may be enjoying a nice cup of coffee and wondering to themselves ” I need a little laugh today”.
Enjoy your coffee!

Coffee in my car
Posted on April 2, 2012 by sueromeisr-copyright

Most people love to drink a fresh cup of coffee no matter where you are; whether out and about or just hanging out. There’s nothing better than a good cup of coffee to make your day go better or just to relax and enjoy it.

With the coffee to go rage that’s one thing, but by the time you get back into your car the coffee has cooled off a bit and that can be somewhat disappointing if it’s cold outside.

But there is supposedly a new gadget that can help you while you are driving. How it works I am not too sure but can image though that it takes some pretty tricky maneuvering to drive and make coffee at the same time.

You just backed your car out of the driveway and head down the street and think to yourself “It’s high time for a fresh cup of coffee” and so what do you do?
You get out your little coffee maker gadget and turn it on and press a few buttons and place a porcelain mug (no paper cups please) under the thing that squirts out the coffee and there you go a hot cup of good’ol coffee! Oh, I forgot you need to put some coffee in the thing too..Sorry

I am starting to get the jitters from the caffeine in my coffee so I better be careful here or I may get forgetful…

What worries me with this whole set-up is as a gal -> how can I drive, make coffee and put my make-up on all at the same time, and still keep my eye on the road, and maybe send a couple of text messages to my gal friends saying that I’m having a fresh cup of coffee in my car. Or you guys too -> read the newspaper (whatever section interests you) make your coffee and send out a couple of emails from your handheld device, and also keep your eye on the road. Has anyone managed to do that???

I bet there are some seminars out there for this problem and I am going to register for one of them and earn a certificate in making coffee in my car.

Though guys and gals must be careful not to spill any of their coffee on themselves because if they don’t have the built-in dry cleaners in their car than that could means trouble with a capital ”T” !!

You cannot get out of the car with a coffee stain on your cloths because everyone would then know that you have the coffee gadget but not the dry cleaning gadget and that could really put a spot on your day…

I see this as real multi-tasking and by the time I get to work I am ready for the day. Plus to solve my dirty cup problem I’ve installed a mini dish washer in my car, so that I don’t have any dirty mugs lying around in my car when I come out in the evening after work.

I wonder just how many people own such a thing and do you need a special license to use it because it sounds like it may be part of one of those new ways to drive your car and therefore you need a special coffee-making license. But either way you look at it; it maybe a “must have” for 2012.

Enjoy a good cup of coffee wherever you are!

Toilet Paper Today!

Hi, everyone out there in the world who is at home or in their home office wondering is there anything out there that can bring a little smile to my face???
Well, maybe this little repost can, and have a great day wherever you are in the world and the most important thing is to stay healthy!!

Turmoil with Toilet Paper
Posted on March 26, 2012 by sueromeiser (copyright)

This tidbit of information is something that you must know about.(I am busy tomorrow bossing people around, so I thought I would post it now)

I could hardly believe my eyes when I read that there are public buildings with toilet paper shortages. This means that supplies are running out and that one should always have a spare roll of toilet paper with them whenever they leave the house.
For us gals that’s no problem because we have our trusty handbag with us so a roll can be stuffed in it.
But for guys I see a problem because you can’t walk around with a roll of toilet paper in your hand; though maybe it could be a new fashion accessory for 2012?

Toilet paper holder for guys; a must for 2012 and you could also get a special toilet roll holder for your car and it’s standard in all new models. And the most important “must have” toilet paper App, so you know where to buy the brand you want.

Plus, just image color coordinated roll of toilet paper that either matches your shirt or suit that you are wearing and at the same time you are prepared for anything because you have your trusty roll of toilet paper with you. I am going to suggest this to my husband and he can give a presentation about this to his male business colleagues and they then can decide on how to best approach this problem. And once I know the answer I will let you know. Ok?

Just writing this here gives me a feeling that I must go and check to see that I have enough rolls of toilet paper here because leaving the house without my trusty roll could be dangerous if I have to go unexpectedly and I don’t have my roll with me and there is no one else around with a roll either. Maybe I will go out and buy a family pack later on today and then I am ready for all toilet paper problems.

Think about it- no one ever really thinks about the wonders of a roll of toilet paper. That stuff has been around for years in all colors and quality. I love toilet paper and am not ashamed to admit it. And I bet there’s some of you out there too who love toilet paper but just don’t want to admit it.

There’s the sort of recycled toilet paper that would take the skin off your backside if you used it -> it’s environmentally friendly cause it’s a gray color and after you use it you may need a tube of hemorrhoid ointment to protect you from the environmentally friendly toilet paper. So how am I protecting the environment?

Then there’s the bright colored sort -> My gran (great woman) always had purple because it matched her bathroom and turned the water in the toilet bowl the same color. I used to love to go into the bathroom as a kid and just tear off the sheets and throw them into the water and watch it change color in a matter of seconds. Doing that was better than any computer game and provided hours of fun too.

Now I don’t want to think about what it did to my backside let alone the chemicals that were in it. But hey, I’m still alive and enjoying life. Maybe it is because I used that purple toilet paper. Do they still make it in that color???

Then there’s the normal boring white with its different ply’s now this is toilet paper!

Whether or not it can hold up to the purple stuff I’m not too sure. And the white stuff does not make the water a neat color. So that makes it sort of boring. But it’s probably better for your backside.

So just remember next time you want to go out don’t forget your trusty roll of toilet paper that can provide you with the feeling of security that you need when you “must go”.