My Bra and Me… copyright:sueromeiser2024

Yes, I know it is true I have written about bras before but I never thought about the color issue with my bra and how it looks under a certain color of  tops… This thought makes me cringe when I think about it… 

There I am in the bra department of my favorite shop and all those bras hanging there, just looking at me in the hopes that I will buy at least one of them and bring it home and add it to my bra collection that I have hidden in my closet … There they are alone in the drawer waiting to be worn… But no… I need a new one to fit to the top that will make the top look better…  Remember the “top” looks better & not me look better 😉 

You know gals – a bra collection is like a handbag or jewelry collection… you can never have enough of them 😉 … I got a bit carried away with that thought about adding to my collection for the summer of 2024 😉  

Anyway, there you stand in the shop looking at  the bras and thinking “ I like this one here… but will it fit to the top that I want to wear it with..” And no one will even know that I bought myself a special bra for that special top… Now what????? 

This would cause a real predicament to say the least and then maybe the top has to be the sort where you can see that bra that you have on, but then I can’t wear it to work… A definite no go…. and then … What … it gets put back in the closet and forgotten …. 

NO, you just wear it and who cares if it matches the top or not… It is my bra and those items of clothing are not going to control my fashion tastes… I am not going to fall victim of the bra …. Just imagine someone comes up to you and asks “ Are you a bra victim?” of course not… is the answer but the salesperson would like me  to be one … 

There you go gals another worry that we have to think about in our daily lives –  it is our bras 😉   

                       Have a great evening / day with your bra…. 

Can that man? copyright: sueromeiser2024

Now that is a question every gal would like to ask: Can that man… now this is a somewhat touchy issue but according to some researchers in a German country they studied it and to my surprise there is no data about German men and this seems a bit foggy because how come all the other men are willing to give away the little secret that the have hiding in their underpants…. 

This must be really important for those guys involved otherwise it wouldn’t have made the internet news… It is really fascinating to say the least but hey… I wouldn’t ask a guy if I could have a peek in his underpants before the action begins… That would be a bit rude to say the least.. Or maybe one could say it’s like when you buy a car you like to look inside to see what is in there… in the interior hidden behind the price sticker…. 

I am not going to say “Gals when you go out with that guy; make sure you have your ruler with you to see if it is okay in his underpants”… no way he would say… but after a few he may be game and there you go the fun can begin 😉 

Gals must look at this from a scientific angle and not get tooooo carried away but if you must, you must have your little book to make that note of what you measured and then you can see what pair of underpants you got to know 😉 But that is your little secret and not to be shared with all because your other gal friends may get the same idea and start that too and there you go a whole new kind of way to get to know….. 

The rest I don’t have to say… I believe you are old enough to read and know what I am talking about , so always remember and there you go gals with the underpants story 😉 

Have a great day …. today…..  

Let me be young again…copyright:sueromeiser2024

It seems to be a trend that I like to read about and the newest is the jeans to make me look young again and that is just what I need ,and then with the mascara to make my face look 20 years younger… What more does a gal like me need to be young again 😉 

No answer is needed – I just have to go out tomorrow and find the store with those jeans and then I will be up-to-date with the newest trend… Not to say my bank account may suffer too….. OMG……

As for trends all gals know that if you don’t keep up with the trends then you are out and what gal wants to be out and have everyone on the street point at you and say “ you haven’t got the jeans on to make you look young and you are not wearing the mascare making your face look 20 years younger either ; that was in an article”…. 

This issue should be taken seriously as I see it and where do I start …. Looking online is easy but to find the real look that I need … I need to do some serious “searching” and then the browser tells me “ sorry this isn’t available in your area” … What do the browsers really think and their algorithm may not be thinking of my needs nor my feelings…. the algorithm is just thinking that it has to do what the programmer said to do… I am the customer here and want my new jeans that will make me look young along with the mascara too…. 

Can’t they understand that… gals need that and I am sure many gals get a bit upset when their computer gives the message that they don’t want to read …. 

But I am one not to give-up and will keep surfing… Surfing is fun and you only have to be aware of the sharks( my advice is get a good surfboard 😉 quality has its price) ) out there with their backdoors and fake pages that won’t let me get my jeans to make me look young 😉 again…. 

But never fear there is probably a store out there that wants me to buy those jeans and mascara and then when I have my jeans on and my mascara everyone will say “ Who are you 😉 “… because I look sooooooooo young….. So, all you gals out there just don’t give up and you will find all those things to make you look young and feel young again too! 

Have a great day / evening wherever you are in this internet world….