Can that man? copyright: sueromeiser2024

Now that is a question every gal would like to ask: Can that man… now this is a somewhat touchy issue but according to some researchers in a German country they studied it and to my surprise there is no data about German men and this seems a bit foggy because how come all the other men are willing to give away the little secret that the have hiding in their underpants…. 

This must be really important for those guys involved otherwise it wouldn’t have made the internet news… It is really fascinating to say the least but hey… I wouldn’t ask a guy if I could have a peek in his underpants before the action begins… That would be a bit rude to say the least.. Or maybe one could say it’s like when you buy a car you like to look inside to see what is in there… in the interior hidden behind the price sticker…. 

I am not going to say “Gals when you go out with that guy; make sure you have your ruler with you to see if it is okay in his underpants”… no way he would say… but after a few he may be game and there you go the fun can begin 😉 

Gals must look at this from a scientific angle and not get tooooo carried away but if you must, you must have your little book to make that note of what you measured and then you can see what pair of underpants you got to know 😉 But that is your little secret and not to be shared with all because your other gal friends may get the same idea and start that too and there you go a whole new kind of way to get to know….. 

The rest I don’t have to say… I believe you are old enough to read and know what I am talking about , so always remember and there you go gals with the underpants story 😉 

Have a great day …. today…..  

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