The housewife dilemma

Many women out there may understand this situation each week the same old thing; work, cleaning and shopping. Why haven’t they invented some way to simplify these things?
I know there are appliances that help me but I still have to invest some time to use these things and how much time do I really save that is a matter of how you view things.

Sometimes my husband comes home and asks me:” What’s for dinner this evening?” and I have only been home maybe 10 minutes. I had a long stressful day at work then I had to rush to the grocery store to buy something for dinner and fight the traffic to get back home and then I should have dinner ready and waiting on the table as if I had nothing better to do with my time. You gals know exactly what I mean here.

My husband asked me the other evening while I was preparing dinner: “What do you do with yourself all day?” I could have wacked him with the frying pan that I was holding in my hand, but I thought the better of it and gave him a smug answer. “All I do is sit at my desk all day and gossip with my colleagues and we drink coffee all day.” He said: No kidding, I wish I could do that and starts to tell me how his day was. I thought to myself were you even listening to what I just said? Sometimes I think we live in two different worlds.

Also, recently my husband was with some of his male friends in the living room exchanging intellectual information as he puts it. I call it gossiping, but I bet you didn’t know that men don’t gossip only women do. This is an unbelievable fact which should be studied by some university.
Why don’t men admit that they gossip about things instead of trying to hide it with some other formulation that makes it sound more intellectual? A question beyond answering and not worth having an argument about with him.

Women also have intellectual conversation about things. I always talk(not really) to all my girl friends about how I changed the spark plugs on my car or that I just re-tiled the bathroom because so and so wasn’t able to manage the job, and they say that they too have just recently overhauled the engine on their lawnmower or repaired the washing machine without the help of …… All the while mentioning names of other people. So who is gossiping here? Not me

That’s beside the point and either way at the end of the day it’s all the same we are having an intellectual conversation and you are too.

But onto the cleaning and this is a job which is so moving that I just don’t know how to describe it. I am sure you all know what I mean???
My managing of the operational tasks and task force which are assigned various household duties around the house and with a bit of luck they may get it done without my interference. Please, keep your finger crossed!!!
I have spent many an hour trying to encourage my co inhabitants to do something and at the end of the day I seem to be the one who does everything around the house as if I have nothing better to do with my time.

I have employed a cleaning lady only to be disappointed with the results and to find out when I wasn’t there that she was enjoying herself by making herself comfortable in front of the television set, so I was forced to release her of her duties. Though I might add she was a bit upset about this because she thought that I was over doing it a bit and she didn’t want to miss her afternoon soap that was on. Poor thing and I was in the office with my feet up on my desk dreaming of a warm summer day (BS I say)

Though if I am lucky normally once a year comes the day where you are supposed to be appreciated by someone and they may make me breakfast and then after that I can load up the dishwasher because the others worked sooooo hard preparing breakfast. But I’m never tired! You know the feeling?

Then there’s the grocery shopping oh how I love to do that. Just to roam the aisle alone and ponder about life and take peek at what’s in the other shopping trolleys. But have you ever thought about how much time you invest in grocery shopping? Well I have.

Saving money when shopping is a major task that takes up a lot of time because, if you collect coupons and cut them out & sort them out and so forth.
If I was only paid for clipping out the coupons for grocery shopping I probably would have saved a couple of thousand by now through the years, but unfortunately that’s not the case at our house.

Just image you collect all the flyers with coupons then go through all the flyers say at $5.00 /€5,00 an hour plus the clipping out the coupon time then going to the grocery store and trying to find all the items that you have a coupon for; my guess is my pay would be somewhere around $75.00 /€75.00 a week- not bad and I do this only once at week. But that’s $/€ 300.00 a month or 3600.00 a year; not bad I say; though gratuities would be nice and greatly accepted.(Hopeful wishing on my part)

I know there are people out there that invest more time then I do, so naturally you would earn more.

But shopping in the grocery store itself is somewhat of a demanding process which requires focused thinking and not getting sidetracked by the Specials or other things that you don’t need.

There seems to be something on almost every other shelf; something that we don’t need but it somehow seems to attract our attention and land in my shopping cart. These items seem to have legs and they can jump into the cart when you aren’t looking. You know what I mean. I really dislike these items because most of them are items that are calorie related and as the old saying goes: “over the lips and on the hips” and there goes my weight ….Help me!!!!!

These calorie items are strategically located on the shelves and have arms on them grabbing at you or your shopping cart and sticking to it like it was glued onto it. I find myself having to fight my way past these items and this I do by going down these aisles as fast as I can and protecting my shopping cart from the items jumping into it by sticking exactly to my list. Though it is a tough battle.

Though grocery shopping can be an experience in itself. When you look around at the other shoppers. Some just wander the aisles others run from aisle to aisle as if in a race and then there’s the person who reads every label to see what’s in the product and where it was produced. Plus the fashion show that you get too while shopping can be great because in the grocery store no one really cares about how they look and believe me you can see some eye opening fashions!

Need a good break from household chores then go grocery shopping and when you get back home you are ready for the next adventure that is awaiting you.

The giant schnauzer and the hamster

We had a giant schnauzer named Zeus and he was a fun loving dog who wouldn’t harm a sole including other small creatures too including the new member of our family Harry the hamster.

One summer afternoon I came home with Harry because a friend of mine was moving out of state and couldn’t take Harry with her, so I took Harry and gave him a new home at our house. Zeus loved Harry from the first moment he saw him and wanted to play with him but Harry didn’t want anything to do with this.

Maybe because Harry was a bit smaller that Zeus?

Though there was one thing my friend never told me and that was that Harry knew how to open his cage and get out and explore the house during the day while I was at school. Because when I came home in the afternoon Zeus always had that mischievous look on his face and Harry was always in his cage looking terrified and the cage door was open.
So as you can image I always gave Zeus a little lecture about leaving Harry alone and that under no uncertain terms should he let Harry out and play with him! This went on for weeks and the more I scolded Zeus the dirtier his looks got as if to say:” I didn’t do anything you idiot!”
I really couldn’t understand the situation and nor could my parents either.

Well one day there was no school but Harry didn’t seem to notice this fact and that sneaky little Harry just opened his cage with a couple of paw movements and there he was free to roam the house and Zeus just looking at him from the corner of his eye from his dog bed.
Harry made a run for the kitchen were Zeus’s food bowl was and stole some dry dog food and took off towards the dining room where he expertly hid it behind the buffet and darted back again to the kitchen. This went on for about 20 minutes until I put a stop to it and put him back in his cage and all I can say is he wasn’t too pleased to be caught. I think I ruined his day. I wasn’t really sure how much dog food he had hidden behind the buffet because it was a large solid piece of furniture that you couldn’t move by yourself. Though I will admit I never told my parents about this little incident because if I did that would have been the end of Harry.

Anyways, a couple of weeks past and then one day Harry wasn’t in his cage, so I looked behind the buffet and he wasn’t there and I searched the whole house but no such luck. Then I thought maybe Zeus got mad at him and killed him, but there was no evidence of a battle between the two of them. But at night you could hear some activity in the house because Zeus was wandering around or running after something, but I was never able to catch Harry – he was a really fast hamster!

Then one night when everyone was asleep it happened. Harry decided he needed a cozy place to sleep because I guess it got a bit cold for him behind the buffet and thought he would search for a warmer spot to spend the night.
My parent’s bedroom door was open just a crack (you guessed right) and so Harry thought wow that bed looks warm and somehow crawled under the covers and then there came a scream from my parents bedroom and Zeus charged in and jumped on the bed barking his head off all the while my mom screaming her head off and my dad shouting something (not to be repeated here) and I came charging in to see what happened. Well that sneaky Harry decided to sleep on my mom’s foot and as you can image if you are asleep and feel something like that; it can scare the living daylights out of you and it sure did to my mom!
The dog was on the bed when I can into the room barking at my mom’s feet and my dad was trying to pull Zeus off the bed and get him to stop barking; but to no avail. After things calmed down my dad put Harry back in his cage ( Harry was frozen in fear when he got caught in the bed and couldn’t move.)And locked it up with locking wire and said that Harry had to go by the end of the day or else.

Poor Harry I thought, but I did manage to give him to one of the boys in my class and I naturally never told him that Harry knew how to open his cage. Though, after that incident I wasn’t allowed to have any more rodent type of pets in the house. I wonder why ???????


This is a disease like the handbag disease. You can’t seem to have enough of them but thank goodness there are 4 seasons, so this gives us gals a chance to as I like to put it: „acquiring what I need for the new season”, because then I don’t have to feel so guilty about my wonderful new pair of shoes that I bought but maybe really didn’t need. I don’t want to be caught with a pair of past season shoes on – oh what a horrendous thought that makes me shiver, because every passerby would point down to my feet and say:” She has a pair of shoes on from last year.” I could scream!

Though those sneaky shoe manufactures always like to pull a fast one on us when the season is in full swing by adding a couple of new styles which make life difficult because you just bought a new pair of shoes a couple of weeks ago. These are the perils of life.

Let’s start with winter: It’s cold outside so we need something warm & stylish on our feet. The choice of winter boots is amazing!
You have the practical sort which do actually keep your feet warm but don’t do much in the way of making you look good. But it’s a must have in every household. Then there are the more stylish sorts, not really there to keep your feet warm but they look so goooood on! These babies can be dangerous if there’s a lot of snow and it’s slippery – you could sprain your ankle or something like that because the heels are so high. The main thing here is fashion and who cares about cold feet or spraining your ankle?
At least I don’t think about it. My only concern is a great looking pair of winter boots! And I am sure many of you think the same way too.

Springtime: The weather is warming up and we can shed our winter boots and say good-bye to those trusted soles, and move on to the pumps, high heels, sneakers or whatever your style is. But this means a new pair or pairs (depending on your storage space at home) for this season. And naturally, 1 pair for just wandering around in and a couple more for the just in case occasion. Always be prepared is my motto -> You never know you may get asked out unexpectedly and you don’t want to be caught short without the right shoes that match the handbag that you bought last month. The thought of those things not being color coordinated is like committing a crime because everyone’s eyes are focused on your handbag and shoes. I am feeling stressed out even before being asked out.

Summertime: This is a very stressful time when it comes to buying shoes because I always feel I need at least 20 pairs for every temperature range and to match what I am going to wear that day. Then like always; as you all know there’s a new model just around the corner creating a strain on our pocketbooks. But you need it because it matches that new dress you bought the other day. I mean really can you image wearing the sandals that matched the blue dress with the new dress that you just bought??? I can’t because that is a definite no go and all your friends will point down at your feet and say: “You should have bought a pair of sandals to go with the dress too, because we all do that.” This is like being pointed out as the odd one out.

Then comes fall and the cool weather meaning we are heading towards the winter cycle and this means out again to the shoe store for the newest model. I feel broke already just writing this here and spring hasn’t even started.

I think women were born with a special gene inside us especially programmed to buy handbags and shoes because without these two wonderful accessories life wouldn’t be so meaningful. What is it that attracts us to these two items and that we have to have them?
And that we fill our closets with these things and sometimes never even wearing the shoes or using the handbag. But you can say what you want about that last sentence, it does look good when you open the door to your closet and there staring at you all those lovely pairs of shoes and next to them all those lovely handbags.
It’s a feeling that can warm your heart!

Remember don’t forget to make room for the coming season and gently say good-bye to the winter boots that you so loving wore.


All you gals know this is something we can’t live without and when we see a newer model it just eats away at our hearts wishing we had that model too.

Handbags come in all shapes and sizes and there’s one for every occasion. I read or someone told me ( I can’t remember) years ago that if you carry a large handbag you have lots of problems and if you carry a smaller model well you know the answer!

Handbags come in all price ranges from inexpensive to ones that cost as much as a car. I ask myself: What do you do with a handbag that costs as much as a car does? Though I do have an idea for example – Maybe set it in the corner of the living room under a glass dome so it won’t get dusty and you can admire it while sitting on the sofa or otherwise, if you use it,it could get damaged or someone could steal it and there you go your cherished handbag with all its contents is gone for good.( A very sad thought indeed.)

Handbags are great things because you can carry around all our beloved possessions inside that we need for our life, and like I just wrote to lose this beloved handbag with its beloved contents would bring tears to my eyes. Worse than being left by your partner!

Handbags are a symbol which says who you are or who you would like to be, either way you want to say something about yourself. And this is a fact whether we would like to admit it or not. And some gals can be very jealous of the other gal’s handbag because they think the other model is better than theirs and they don’t have one like that. I find this soooo stupid because you should be happy with your trusty companion – your handbag.

Just look around you there’s someone with a large handbag with all of life’s possessions in it and probably the kitchen sink too. Then there’s the very small evening bag – I really don’t know what you can fit into it and if you wear glasses you can forget it.

The colors of handbags are endless you can buy one to match every piece of clothing or pair of shoes that you own, but somehow you never seem to have the right color or model when you are invited out on a special occasion, so that means off to the stores to find the one that fits to what you want to wear. I find this is like looking for needle in a hay stack sometimes because the more you look you never seem to find the right handbag.

And of course when you are not out looking for one to buy there is proudly on display in the store screaming out at you “Buy me – you need me!” This can be an especially painful experience when you don’t have the right amount of small change with you to make the needed purchase. I could cry now when I think about the times I have seen that handbag in a store screaming at me and longing that I will be its new owner, but only to say “sorry handbag, I can’t buy you today because I need my money for something else.” Oh how painful and I am sure you gals know exactly what I am talking about.

I feel my handbag is my little secret world where I keep all my prized possessions in it and it is nobody else’s business what I have in it. But I have noticed through the years men are always curious to see what is inside this mysterious bag and want to know what is inside it. But why? I need to do some research on this question and maybe can report back to you with some interesting answers.

Always remember enjoy your handbag because it is your most faithful companion throughout life and because it’s always there by you side through better or worse!

Time & Memories – 2

As I am feeling a bit in the mood to reminisce about the times in my childhood; I was also then reminded of the new colored Television set. Now that was a moving experience for many I am sure.

We had a small black and white TV which sat on a table in our living room and on another table there was the record player. a gigantic thing but it was called portable. What was portable about it I really couldn’t tell you. My parents loved their records and would listen to them for hours and if I was lucky I could listen too one of mine for 30 minutes at the most. That seemed unfair to me but I had no other choice until the day came when my parents proudly announced that we were getting a new TV and record player all in one.

Remember the kind where you could lift the top up and see the record player and on the other side was the TV set ( the home entertainment system of yesteryear)Though I know it had another name but what it was I cannot remember .

Again my mom made a fuss about this too. Though the good thing was, was that I was getting the portable record player for my bedroom( the thing took-up a lot of space in my small room, but I had a record player for adults and could now play my collection of 5-45’s and 2 LP’s. I was in heaven and so were my friends too because we could listen to our records for hours and have time to dream. Wow – that was life!

The new “colored TV” was delivered while I was at school and so when I got home that day my mom was already enjoying the new TV & record player console. I was beside myself when I saw it.

Just imagine solid wood ( not plastic like now -a- days)and it must of weighed about a ton and a nuclear explosion wouldn’t have even put a dent it because that was a solid piece of furniture that was built to last forever.

The parts were not all plastic either. A real glass TV screen which had to warm-up a bit before you got a good picture and there was a knob that you could turn to change the channel or a knob for the volume.(remember those were the times before remote controls)And guess who was in charge of getting-up to change the channel or volume when I was watching TV with my parents? You guessed right – me!

I was not allowed to turn the TV on when my parents weren’t there or else- that would be like committing a major crime, because you never know what could happen. (That was my mom’s motto) Plus I didn’t stand a chance to watch TV when they weren’t around because the whole TV and wood casing would retain the warmth and you got it – bingo caught watching TV even when I had turned it off 5 minutes before they came into the house. Believe me that was no fun – 1 week no TV as punishment for sneaking a chance to watch TV when they weren’t around.
Hey that’s life and it was worth every minute to be alone in the living room and to watch color TV!

Though this entertainment system took on a dimension of it’s own in the eyes of my parents and it (TV & record player)had to be welcomed into the world, so that meant a cocktail party and have friends over and take time to look at our new addition.
All my parents friends showed up and the men looked at the technical aspects of such a device while the women at the same time discussed the decorative aspects of this and at the same time listening to records being played on the wonderful record player. Everyone was happy and had time to enjoy life though my happiness that evening was ended abruptly when I had to go to bed because I wasn’t allowed to stay up so late.

That TV & record player supplied us with many hours & years of happiness giving us time to be together and share the company of one another.

Enjoy the company of each other this gives you a fond memory that will be cherished for sometime.

Time and memories – 1

Remember the times when life seemed so simple and we actually enjoyed things and took the time to admire them too. Things weren’t so disposable and they were built to last not like today – it breaks down, so throw it out and buy a new one.

I remember as a kid that when something of major proportion was bought it was an event! I can say at least in our household it was and I am sure in many others too.

My dad bought my mom a new washing machine and dryer (naturally matching colors)for a present. My mom was enthralled by the thought of this and since we had a huge kitchen; designated a small section for these wonderful appliances that would save her time.
I personally couldn’t get as excited as my mom did, but I was happy for her, and hoped that she would enjoy them.

The big day came and they were delivered and hooked-up; you would have thought royalty were coming to our house with the whirl wind of excitement that was going on.
After the delivery men left my mom stood in front of both appliances and was proud as pie and grinning from ear to ear! She loved those two appliances because I could see it on her face. Maybe some of you can remember those times?

Naturally, after about an hour she was on the phone to all her friends telling them about the wonders of washing and drying.
I must say I was baffled by the whole situation, so I asked my mom ” Why are you making such a fuss about the washing machine and dryer? She answered me with a smile saying:” Dear, you will understand this when you are older.” That was definitely not the answer I had hoped for, but it got me thinking about being an adult and the joys of washing even though I wasn’t too sure that it was a joyous event.

Anyways, a couple of days past and my mom – still bursting with pride about her appliances informed me that all her friends would be coming by tomorrow afternoon for coffee and to have a look at the two new members of our household. To be honest I was a bit jealous because those two appliances seemed to be getting more attention then I did.

The washing machine was huge! The tub in the washing machine was so large that you could take a bath in it and be softened with fabric softener and in the end after that you could hop into the dryer for a spin and come out all dry and shiny. ( Note: I never did this and nor should you because it can do bodily harm.)

The excitement was mounting and my mom cleaned the house and got everything ready for “the day” and then it was there all her friends were gathered in the kitchen admiring those two appliances as if they were new born babies.
My mom showed how each program worked and so forth as if conducting a professional seminar for washing machines, and all the while her friends looked truly amazed at the wonders of washing and wishing they had a machine like my mom’s.

Those gals took time to enjoy the happiness of the other person instead of being jealous because they didn’t have such an appliance.

Though to this day I must admit that now I can understand her answer but still part of me still asks ” What is the joy in the whole process ?”
Can anyone answer this question for me?

So, remember enjoy your new washing machine no matter what and have a party around it because hey
It’s a good excuse to take time for your friends!


This seems to be a precious thing and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be enough of it. When I was younger I felt that time stood still and that I would never get older, so that I could enjoy doing things that adults do, but now that I am there I wish that I could slow down time a bit and not have everyday fly by in a wink.

I always laughed when my mom said “When you get older time just flies by.” I thought this must be a joke and she just wants me to stop saying that I am bored or when will dinner be served, etc. You all know what I mean; how time stood still back then.

Now-a-days everyone seems to be running here and there trying to get everything done and meet their friend and do this and do that besides hold down a job. I ask myself sometimes and maybe you do too: I wish the day had more hours in it? And if it did would it make life easier? This is a question that I cannot answer. But maybe you can????

We have many new devices and appliances in our lives that are supposed to make life easier, and I can honestly say that not all these things make my life easier, nor do they save time either. Instead they seem to slow things down or not function the way it should. And the cell phones or PDA’s that we all have, that everyone is clinging to as if it is a life boat going to save us from the unknown. We load these devices with dates, telephone numbers, photos and whatever else so as too not miss anything and supposedly saves time. Look at the time I waste monkeying around with these things and if I lose it hopefully, I have noted the telephone numbers and dates someplace else. Otherwise, I am sunk!
Then I really need time to find all those numbers, dates, etc.

But that’s not really the point here. Last year just flew by and now it’s the middle of February. I think what did I do the whole time?
Weekends seem to go by in a flash and always I have to worry about time. Be on time for an appointment, on time for work, etc. The list is endless.

I need a vacation but then that flies by too giving me the feeling that it was only a dream and all I have left to show is some pictures that I will show everyone that I took on my handheld device and that was it. Over and done with!

Remember when people did have time and you had come back from vacation having taken pictures (the old-fashioned way – not digital) and then you made slides out of them and after they were developed you invited friends over and took the time and had a little party and slide show, showing off your great vacation pictures and everyone was having a great time because they had time to enjoy themselves. Where are those days? If am lucky I can get a group of friends together every 2 months, because like always no one has time in their busy schedule.

I think we need to slow down a bit and look at things; whether it is work or in your private life. Maybe by taking a bit of time to look at problems more closely things could get solved instead of making a lighting flash decision and in the end everything goes wrong. Or as I read recently most couples only communicate with each other for about 5 minutes a day. (Why are they even together; I ask myself?) Why don’t they take the time to talk to each to each other? Time to communicate is important in life otherwise everyone goes their own way and no one knows what the other is up too.
Again the good ‘ol -> time

Make time and enjoy a bit of life otherwise it will fly by and you will ask yourself “Where has the time gone?”
Make time and enjoy life!

Tomorrow’s the day

Tomorrow’s the day where the commercial sector promotes its products that should express love.
This can set you back a couple of dollars / Euros / pounds (which ever part of the world you live in) if you don’t watch out! What is with this day that makes it so special?

I can remember back in elementary school where we all had to exchange valentine’s cards with each other and see who could collect the most. I must say I didn’t do bad back then but I was by no means the winner nor did I want to be either. I could never understand why I had to send all my fellow class mates a card and write on back of it – love, and my name. I really didn’t love anyone in my class; sure I had friends but to be in love with them that was asking a bit much of me. The teacher saw it as a lesson for us to learn to love. I saw it as a waste of my time writing on back of all those 25 cards and the only good thing about the whole thing was is that we had a little party in class, and so we could eat cake and cookies – now that was great!!

Today as an adult this day has seemingly changed in its proportions and what one expects or wishes based on the influence of consumerism. Really now, just think about it a moment- is my partner going to like me better when I buy him a new tie ( he got one for Christmas), or aftershave ( he got that for Christmas too) – these are some of the not so expensive gifts.
Or do I have to top this to show him that I love him? According to social pressure put on me by consumer advertising I need to go out now and buy him something of substantial value (This I see as measuring love of your bank account not the person) Actually, maybe a new car or boat would do the trick, but again I feel he wouldn’t be content with such a gift. Thus putting me in a dilemma and that I don’t want!

But as I see it I am sure I will come up with something that he will like and enjoy without me going bankrupt, and at the same time showing him that my heart is in the right spot.

I am sure that everyone else knows too what they want to do or give that special person tomorrow. But always remember it‘s the thought that counts and not the price!


I think it is the most wonderful thing in the world and you don’t need Valentine ’s Day to show that you love someone.
You can do all sorts of things to surprise the one you love with such simple things like breakfast in bed or a voucher for a massage from you, or simply being together with one another and enjoying each other’s company.

Love has many forms; it really isn’t just one thing. Love is holding hands and listening to each other while one of you is speaking plus many more things make one love another person. Love can be painful when you have an argument with the person you love or they are ill and you really cannot help them. But somehow our inner strength brings us to still love the other person.

Sometimes the person you love says things that can hurt you and make you feel sad but then maybe if you speak to each other you can overcome the problem at hand.

The joy when two people see each other after a long period of time. Those are the wonderful things about life that’s what makes-up love.

Love is such a wonderful thing!