Re-decorating on a Budget

Most of us know that we have to keep an eye on how much money we spend on decorating or better said redecorating. And so, with the help of my trusty companion the internet to direct me in the right direction or soooo I hope???

Well, there I landed on a Website that really caught my eye. They used this sticky plastic stuff and transformed their kitchen in a jiffy, and it didn’t look too bad either…. Though when I went to my local DIY to check-out that product, it wasn’t as cheap as they mentioned on the internet. I guess that has to do location???

Then I wandered over to the paint section (This idea stems from online, too) The wonders of modern technology are amazing, but at the same time how much is true??? Anyway, there was this idea of using the color of “gray” throughout the house to reduce the need to clean so often…,. No comment from my side here!!!

Colors may hide the fact that I haven’t dusted in a week or so but the thought of it and the possibility that someone my stop by wearing white gloves and doing a “white glove test” on my furniture just is toooooo much for me!!

Image someone like that stops by your place and you aren’t prepared for the “white glove test” then what …. You got it!!! Posted immediately online and everyone in your neighborhood knows that you don’t dust regularly… That’s a OMG moment … to say the least and your reputation is ruined!!!
In that case then no gray tones in my house so as to hide the dust. NO THANK YOU!!!

But what I am not too sure about is using that sticky plastic stuff behind my stove top or sink… I cannot image that it would adhere to the wall that long, but than no one asked me.
I need to look more before I start to re-decorate… Another tip (hack) was vintage or like it used to be called “used furniture” or “antiques” …. All the same stuff at the end of the day. Only the price plays a role and what are you looking for.

Vintage furniture sounds like it could be somewhat special with a bit of a flare from when it was “in” back then when I was a kid or “antique” sound like it is something really expensive and really has that style that could be emulated in a country home.

This whole idea seems to be getting out of hand here with re-decorating and the more I look around the more I am happy with what I have. So, I can stick to my budget too.

Enjoy what you have and if you are re-decorating… Enjoy!

Good bye Christmas tree

It’s that time of the month to say goodbye to our beloved Christmas tree and take the decorations off it and store them away for another year until they are needed again.

There was the Christmas tree standing proudly in a room shining with decorations that brought a smile to your face every time you looked at it, and probably bring back memories of the past of how the tree looked as you were a kid and the great time that you had around the Christmas tree.

Does anybody even consider that taking the decorations off the Christmas tree isn’t really work, it is part of the whole package of Christmas. But most people complain that they have to take the decorations off the tree and put them away until the next Christmas season.

Somehow, now the space looks empty where my Christmas tree was standing. I come home and look at the space and think how lovely it looked with the Christmas tree standing there greeting me when I came home. But that is what is nice about it. The memories of the Christmas tree and again the next year putting up a Christmas tree before Christmas and the discovering the decorations that you may have forgotten about from the past Christmas, or where the decorations came from.

So, it is time to say in a short sentence: Goodbye Christmas tree!