My Health as a Woman

My health is good or at least I thought that until I started reading all the online articles in various newspapers from around the world which informed me about various symptoms and the cures.

Firstly, as a women we go through those monthly horror trips when we have our –as I like to put it “off days” (sounds better than mood swings or PMT) They made it sound as if every women in the world turned into an old hag and that all women are in bad moods- now that they informed me I can do something about it- I need to think now….
I never knew before reading that stuff that I had those problems but now that I do.. I feel that some things have to change – But what ???? I could see it now those bad mood hormones creeping up on me and saying “it’s time to be in a bad mood” – so I quickly stopped reading the article, because I know now that I am caught up in the monthly horror trip. OMG the thought of the monthly horror trip and I’m not prepared…. Help me I’m a women with problems !!!!

Then there was the article about lying about your age and if you do some jokers can take a peek at your brain and tell you exactly how old you are. Those guys are real party poopers!!
I don’t always want to tell everybody exactly how old I am and when someone gives me a nice complement saying you look younger than I say “Thank-you”. Why should I say – “well, if you want the truth; I’m over the hill and feel like s&%t and my brain is old and I am not sure if I remember what day it is today.” There you have it in a nut shell and makes me feel crappy!!!
I want to be young, so hey I knock a couple of years off my age and I feel great and I’m not hurting a soul. Plus, years ago everyone knew that women lied about their age and it was unthought-of to say how old you really were nor was it polite to ask that dangerous question “How old are you?” What’s happening to the fun of being a women ???

Now my next problem that I really didn’t know about was that I shouldn’t eat egg yolks. I love eggs and I am still around after eating lots of them – I better go to the doctors this afternoon and have my lungs x-rayed to see if they have turned yellow from all the eggs that I have eaten throughout the years.
It seems that anything that you enjoy eating or drinking is bad for you. Like years ago. First it was ok to drink a glass of red wine a day and then it wasn’t now it is ….. Does anyone really know what is going on???? But I can be happy there are still some veggies around that are good for you, or at least I hope so.
What can I eat????

I will have to make a visit to the grocery store after and with my magnify glass read all the fine print on the packages to see that I don’t ingest some substance that could cause something in my system.

OHHHH food – I love it and want to eat it!!!

Now that I have gotten all these problems off my chest I think I will go out in my bad mood and lie about my age, and buy some eggs and enjoy a good unhealthy omelet! Thank you internet for telling me all about those problems and I am still alive and HEALTHY…..

Camping memories

Summer is slowly coming to an end and the days are getting shorter and that got me to thinking about my times as a kid when I used to camp-out in the back yard in my pup tent with my friends. Those were the days.. Three girls and a Great Dane in a three man tent!

There we were professional campers who knew how to set-up such a tent and as 10 year olds we needed all the right stuff too in the tent. Plenty to eat and drink and of course it wasn’t healthy; a supply of good books and flashlights, and there we were ready for adventure that would come our way.

We were always a bit leery of a thunder storm because we always thought we may end up like one of those cartoon characters on TV who were charcoaled and their hair was standing on ends so, if there was any chance of a storm we darted for the house and camped inside…. Not as fun as outside because inside in the den my parents could see what we were up too and say when to turn the lights out. They were real party poopers!!!
Parents never seemed to understand the adventure in our camping and nor do I now when I think back on it.

Outside in the backyard in our tent exposed to the elements and to all the dangerous creatures that were lurking around in the dark just waiting to attack our tent. Those were scary times and then the owl made a noise and that made you almost jump out of your skin with fear, because we had been reading scary stories with our flashlights. Plus Cesar was there to protect us from the perils that were out there that we couldn’t see so never had to fear about the owl attacking our tent.

Once we got settled in under the blankets and Cesar lying at our feet waiting patiently for us to fall asleep and then he would creep under the blankets and push us all out from under them and we would wake up freezing in the morning while he was warm and sound asleep under the blankets. Cesar loved camping with us and as soon as he saw the tent he was the first one in it and you couldn’t get him out of it either. He knew a good thing!!!

It was sometimes a bit damp when it started to rain because the tent would leak if you accidentally touched the side of it and there I would lay with water dripping on me or I woke up damp because I touch the tent while I was asleep.

Those were great times and they are great memories too but then we got older and somehow camping in a little green tent with Cesar had lost its appeal and we wanted to be gown-up and not some babies who slept in the backyard in a tent. Cesar was sad too when we didn’t want to camp with him anymore because I know he loved the times that we all spent together in the little tent and how many times it collapsed because Cesar forgot he was in the tent an stood up taking the tent with him and we would scream at him for ruining our fun and he would just stand there wagging his tail as if to say “I want some fun too.”

Enjoy the last of the summer because it seems to be almost over for the year!

Out of office – no reply

That’s the sentence I love to write when I know that I am going on vacation and won’t be in the office for the next two weeks, so I want to tell the world that I am not sitting at my desk waiting for your email. So leave me alone!

But sometimes people forget to change the message and there you are sending them an important business email only to receive an answer that says “out of office on vacation”. Then I hate that sentence because I know they are back at work and sitting at their desk and probably drinking coffee and reading the newspaper or showing everyone their vacation photos.

But then there are those who forget that little message and off I go and write my email containing all that important stuff and after a couple of days waiting and still no reply; I decide to give that person a call and a polite PA will answer the phone and say “I’m sorry but they are on vacation for the next 2 weeks.” I could explode in such cases because it is something important and I need an answer. They don’t like me …..or anyone else for that matter – so I don’t feel so bad now.

Though I know vacations are important too but one mustn’t forget to tell some other folks too who may need to know that information. Though I will admit I would never call anyone when they are on vacation. That would be a nightmare in itself. There you are having a great time on the beach or wherever and all of a sudden your cell phones rings to tell you that you have emails to answer. The day is ruined!!

I read that a lot of bosses expect their employees to be on call on vacation if anything important pops-up. What’s important I ask? Because, what is important to one person isn’t always important to another person and I would not want my boss sending me emails about irrelevant information just so that I should answer them.

I wonder how many people in the world ignore those sorts of emails and get on enjoying their vacation instead of thinking about work? I bet there are quite a few.

Enjoy your “out of office” time and then there’s no reason to reply.