Health Today

Yes, indeed health today isn’t like it used to be, as I have noticed while glancing at the online pages of newspapers and the sections about health………. Could be worrying actually, but I find it more like where do they find all that stuff?????

Most of it is old stuff trying to make it look modern in our digital world.

There is the article about kissing and what kind of kisser the person is…….. very important… but I wonder do you have to ask the person first to fill out a questionnaire and they check off how they see themselves as a kisser and then you can decide if you want to kiss them or is it….. You kiss and then each of you get your guidebook out and analyze how each other kiss and then take it from there… What amazing stuff!!!
How did I ever manage in my younger years without such booklets??? No one had a guidebook back then to tell us the right way to kiss or what the meaning of the kiss meant… You either like kissing the person or not. Simple as that!!

But there are serious topics too like a foggy brain and how to clear out the clutter…. I guess it is like cleaning out the attic on the weekend…. Sit down note that toooooo much info is floating around in your brain and then sorting out the bits and pieces of irrelevant information. Maybe like deleting stuff from your hard drive on your computer???
This got me thinking and I am not too sure how I can figure out if my brain is storing too much information, though maybe forgetfulness is the signal that says “ Hey, too much useless info in your brain, time to sort out.” Even with that thought …. What do I sort out??? I may need that bit of information at a later date and when I do and there is no internet connection…. Then what???
I would wish that I never sorted out that piece of information. Maybe, I can get a sort of external hard-drive to save the excess information for when I need it…. HUM, but then again I may collect to much new information and then the fogginess starts again… one endless circle that seems to never end….

Then there is eating your vegetables that are good for you….. Sort of like when you were a kid and mom would say “eat your carrots there good for your eyesight” or “eat your spinach so you will grow big and strong” …. Now all is written, saying the same thing that I have known since I was a kid….. Have modern moms forgotten about what their moms said about veggies?? I can remember those days with my mom saying those sentences and sitting there shoving the vegetables around the plate until they were cold and tasteless and still having to eat them because they were good for me…. I thought my mom was super strict when it came to veggies and other times cool….
But I guess now when I look back at it she knew what she was talking about…. Thanks mom! And that she knew that even when there were no computers too……… That is truly something!!!

As for health today… Take care of yourself, sort out your brain, eat all your vegetables and don’t forget your kissing guidebook before you make that next kiss……….

Time again…..

The seasons are just flying by and the geese are saying good bye and now the stores are saying „ Christmas is just around the corner“…. OMG is all I can say!

I need time and don’t want to be rushed into Christmas, because it is still a while off and Halloween hasn’t even taken place or Thanksgiving for that fact…. But NO we need to worry about Christmas…

Is that the only thing that people or retailers can think about??? What happened to enjoying the time between seasons as they happen and not rush,rush for upcoming times/ events that haven’t even happened yet??

I want to enjoy the leaves as they change color or walk in the woods and hear the crackle of the dry leaves under my feet and not worry about Christmas is just around the corner. Then there is so much to enjoy, and the fun of decorating for Halloween with the kids knocking on your door with their cute costumes on……. But no….. Christmas is just around the corner!

Or what about Thanksgiving and getting together with friends and family to enjoy yourself and a day of togetherness…… NO…. Christmas is just around the corner!

One day in the near future I think Halloween and Thanksgiving will be written off and we will head straight for Christmas …. By this I mean first spring, summer …. Maybe fall and then Christmas, because it is right around the corner…. No more excitement like it was when I was a kid with the building-up of excitement that came when December started….. No more…. Sorry, because Christmas is just around the corner!

I don’t want Christmas just around the corner… I want Christmas in December where it belongs and not in some other month.

I hope you think so too, and enjoy yourselves now and not worry about Christmas that is in December and not in October!