The Replacement

Sometimes life changes and things get replaced around the house and no one ever takes into consideration the many years of faithful service the appliances have brought into your life let alone the joys and maybe even the sorrows too.

A good friend of mine informed that she will be buying a new stove for her kitchen. Sure, you’re thinking big deal or great, it’s about time she did. But have you ever thought about what that stove did for her in the past? I bet not! Or even your own stove that you own.

Well this little event got me thinking about my stove, and I will admit that it is a trusty friend in my household and a real lifesaver too. Though I will admit we have had our stressful moments together too, when (I hate to admit it) when I forgot something cooking on the stove top and then there is the smell of something burning or boiling over and I think something nasty and think “great, it’s ruined now”! I am sure you all know this feeling????

But, there are the great smells too, that smell of something wonderful cooking on the stove top and you can’t wait to eat it because it smells so good and the same hold true for the aroma of something yummy baking, roasting, grilling or whatever coming from the oven.

My oven and I have had some challenges through the years to put it nicely. Like the time the oven seemed to shrink because the turkey I bought was to big for the oven. That darn oven seemed to shrink in size over night and I didn’t even notice it. (my gosh I was a bit upset to say the least!!!)

Or there was the time the oven seemed to develop a nasty phase and whenever I popped something into the oven it burnt for whatever reason… Okay, maybe I wasn’t paying attention or was distracted, but I am sure to this day that it was the ovens fault! Or the time (some of you may have experienced this too??) you pop the dinner into the over to cook for your guests who are coming over and for some unexplainable reason the oven isn’t turned on when you check the food one hour later and wonder what has happened here????? A mystery beyond belief……

Then there’s the nasty trick that the oven tries… You pop the food in the oven and somehow the oven gets tooooooo hot and the food burns and bellows out smoke and has a smell of burn food… That is an OMG moment!!! Now what ?????

But through all those trying times with its ups and downs my stove has been a faithful companion in my life and I think we should all be appreciative of the appliance even when it is being replaced, because the old stove also has memories attached to it too and they can be many happy moments in our life and we never really take the time anymore to think about all those great times!

So, before you pop something into the oven or cook something on your stovetop remember those great times associated with your stove. Have a great time cooking !!!