Have to be Happy?

Now here’s an eye opener. The happiness agency; how this operates I have no idea but I am sure that it will bring happiness to hundreds of people who visit it – hopefully ??????
Sure happiness is many different things and we all have different ideas as to how we are happy or will be happy. But an agency to help me be happy …. WOW!!! How can they do that???

Here it is: I am standing there with my number ( very important… don’t want to butt- ahead of anyone would I?) dreaming of how I will be happier.. I am happy or at least I thought I was, but then again I may be side tracked with my happiness thoughts and not have the right kind of happy thoughts.

What makes me and my guy happy??? Well lots of things my list could circle globe if I wrote them all down. Isn’t the saying” it’s the simple things in life that make us happy”. Ok, that is passé´- the thought we need is to be modern up-to-date and keep with the times no more old fashioned happy thoughts about simple things….. I need modern thinking, so what is modern happiness???

After pondering a bit on this questions and phoning around to a couple of my gal friends we came up with some ideas… ok, it’s our point of view and not the rest of the worlds view, but then again I haven’t the time to question everyone. So, sorry when I didn’t ask you, and please don’t be upset with me. Thank you!

Modern happiness could be:

1. Having a new cell phone so I can contact the world and be online to tell everyone that I just bought my phone…. Happiness – for how long???

2. New shoes – wow they look good and I only spent a month’s salary on them, but I’m worth it… Aren’t I or did I have some bills to pay???

3. A vacation …. Now that can bring happiness but it only lasts as long as no one gets into argument, but otherwise we’re having a great time… I am happy!!!

4. New watch – as long as one of my friends don’t go out and buy a more expensive model then I have… Then I’m not happy

5. New handbag – Life at its best for a gal and nothing can hold her back as long as she is carrying her new handbag with her or until an acquaintance buys an up-graded model! Life can be so painful when it comes to handbags….

It seems modern happiness is only attached to buying stuff and not to the inner happiness that we once knew or has that disappeared somehow through the years? I think it’s important to be happy but I don’t need an agency to help me be happy. I can be happy myself and I bet those other people could be too, if they wanted to and made an effort; instead of worrying about how can I spend my money and then I will be happy.

Have a happy day and remember it doesn’t cost a cent to smile…. That’s what so great about them!!!

Heading South?

Well, fall is here and the birds are starting to say good bye and make their way to warmer parts of the world. Every day I see geese flying over my house and saying their goodbyes for this year, how nature knows what to do is fascinating.

I wonder when I look at all those geese where are they flying too and what will they see once they have arrived and will they survive? It’s too bad they couldn’t send me a post card saying that they got there all right and that the weather is nice and there’s plenty to eat.

Sure, we folks head south for a couple of weeks or months depending on whether you are retired or working.. But does anyone send postcards anymore from those warm places that they visit? I haven’t received a nice postcard in ages and have almost forgotten what they look like.

A postcard.. What’s that? Anyone ever heard of that antiquated form of communicating???
Post cards are great and the pictures on them you won’t find anywhere else either. The pictures are always somehow one of a kind. When I was a kid I used to get lots of postcards from family & friends and I knew that they were thinking of me while they were away somewhere in the world.

Oh, how I long for a postcard in my mailbox and then I can say “WOW, my friends thought of me”.

So, think about surprising your friends next time you are away, by sending them a postcard, because I am sure that will bring a smile to their face and smiles are great things!

Reading a Nice Book

Reading is a great thing to do whether it be for pleasure or work… reading enriches our minds. But as it was recently brought to my attention that many adults today still can’t read properly.. A very sad state indeed.

Reading is fun and a person can learn to read at any age or to read better. It’s a bit like riding your bicycle- practice, practice, and practice until you get the hang of it.

Remember as a kid you practiced riding your bike until you got the hang of it and didn’t give up because you fell off your bike, you got back on it and tried again. Learning to read better is the same. Open up that book, see what is inside then start reading and those odd or strange words that are not understood can be looked up in a dictionary and there in that book the dictionary you can learn more words opening up a whole new world that one never thought about. Curiosity and success in one.

I can remember learning to read, and I couldn’t wait sometimes to get home from school to read a book that I was reading or to start reading a new book that I had gotten from the library… Those books launched me into a world of ideas, creativity and places that were far beyond my dreams. To put it simply -> It was great!

My first book in school and I am sure some of you out there had it too. Dick & Jane… Now that was reading at its finest! A happy family, a happy dog and what more did a young person need to launch you into the wonders of reading????
I thank Dick & Jane for enlightening me and the teacher who so patiently listened to us read out loud those wonderful pages from that book. The stimulus that it brought to my brain, saying “Hey, reading is fun!”

Reading today is so easy. You can read things online, ebooks , paperback books or hardcover books. The choice is endless and there is something there for every taste nowadays. People should take advantage of all these great ways to read.

Everyone regrets not having done something in their lives, but you never hear anyone saying “ If I had only read that book.” Maybe more people should think about reading and then we wouldn’t read such sad facts that soooo many people cannot read properly anymore.

So get out a good book and start reading and you will be surprised at how enjoyable a book really can be!

Guys and Gals Are We Looking Good?

Everyone knows that looking good is really important but I bet you never thought about what that guy or gal thinks about what you are wearing. Now this tiny fact seems to be overlooked and so I thought I would highlight and interpret some of the great fashion looks that drive the other person to look at you….. Well, how to put it nicely???? Thinks what you have on is simply ugly…. But do they say that to your face or just keep their opinion to themselves???

As I am in a mood today…Good mood 😉 so I thought I would start with the blunders of what guys wear.

Spray-on suntans – Oh, please. Those look really bad or are they trying to look like a pumpkin… the color isn’t too far off.

Trousers from …. What year was it with the elastic ankles? Great if you are living where there are a lot of flies say in the Tundra or such an area but otherwise… Naja, they really don’t do anything for the wearer… Sorry

Jeans that look like you are carrying your toilet round with you. They are sooooo baggy that it looks like the wearer has a diaper on… Please, guys there are nicer jeans around then those.

The tourist looks … What you ask??? Socks with sandals… That is like wearing a sign around your neck saying “Hey I am on vacation here”! Clean your toe nails and wear real sandals, because it looks a lot better.

Naturally there are a couple of more but, I thought you could think about them yourself without my help here..

Now gals, I don’t want to leave us out here either in the not looking good club.

Now a real mistake is chipped nail polish or is that a new fashion statement. It only takes a couple of minutes to remove the chipped polish and … Bingo your nails look better.

Hair extensions that are made of plastic hair… look cheap and are cheap. Wouldn’t it be better to just leave your hair the way it is and plus then you can save your money for a real new hair cut that looks good.

Track suits… once they were only worn at the gym or at home, but now…. They are everywhere. What happened to our sense of fashion???

The real disaster…. Smudged mascara and make-up…. Oh, now that really doesn’t do anything for your looks does it???

I have taken heed since I noted these things and promised myself to watch out about how I look… I don’t want to land up in a bad fashion & bad hair category nor do I want my guy to land there either. Oh the perils of wanting to look good!

A Daily Dose of Problems & Worries

Who ever thought that there would be so many problems and worries when we get older?? Most of us never expected that, because when I look back at my childhood I only have carefree memories of playing with friends, doing all sorts of great things with my parents and going to school to prepare me for life…. I never had a worry in the world, and I am sure I am not speaking for myself here either.

Life was simply great as a kid for me!!!

Nowadays, so many people are confronted with mounting daily problems that they just don’t know where to look. The worst is they lose their jobs and have no income which makes them worry about “ How can I make ends meet?” And there is where both problems and worries collide with each other….. How sad

How can I pay my mortgage or rent?

How can I make my monthly car payment?

How can I pay my telephone bill?

How can I pay my electricity bill?

Will I have enough money left for buying groceries?

And that list could be endless if I kept writing, but I thought I would stop there. Those thoughts could really make one really worry and drive a person into the ruins; a state that no one may have dreamed of in their whole life…… How sad

We were brought up to follow our dreams and they would come true… but with problems and worries people tend to be more realistic and throw their dreams away. It is sort of like sitting in a bathtub and the water is going down the drain and you can’t find the stopper fast enough to stop the water from going down the drain…. How sad

Will there ever be a day without problems and worries where we can all sit back and enjoy life like it was one time before when the days were always sunny and life was so carefree…. I hope so and so never give up believing in yourself and somewhere behind that dark cloud will be the sunshine that you are looking for.