My Bra and Me… copyright:sueromeiser2024

Yes, I know it is true I have written about bras before but I never thought about the color issue with my bra and how it looks under a certain color of  tops… This thought makes me cringe when I think about it… 

There I am in the bra department of my favorite shop and all those bras hanging there, just looking at me in the hopes that I will buy at least one of them and bring it home and add it to my bra collection that I have hidden in my closet … There they are alone in the drawer waiting to be worn… But no… I need a new one to fit to the top that will make the top look better…  Remember the “top” looks better & not me look better 😉 

You know gals – a bra collection is like a handbag or jewelry collection… you can never have enough of them 😉 … I got a bit carried away with that thought about adding to my collection for the summer of 2024 😉  

Anyway, there you stand in the shop looking at  the bras and thinking “ I like this one here… but will it fit to the top that I want to wear it with..” And no one will even know that I bought myself a special bra for that special top… Now what????? 

This would cause a real predicament to say the least and then maybe the top has to be the sort where you can see that bra that you have on, but then I can’t wear it to work… A definite no go…. and then … What … it gets put back in the closet and forgotten …. 

NO, you just wear it and who cares if it matches the top or not… It is my bra and those items of clothing are not going to control my fashion tastes… I am not going to fall victim of the bra …. Just imagine someone comes up to you and asks “ Are you a bra victim?” of course not… is the answer but the salesperson would like me  to be one … 

There you go gals another worry that we have to think about in our daily lives –  it is our bras 😉   

                       Have a great evening / day with your bra…. 

Can that man? copyright: sueromeiser2024

Now that is a question every gal would like to ask: Can that man… now this is a somewhat touchy issue but according to some researchers in a German country they studied it and to my surprise there is no data about German men and this seems a bit foggy because how come all the other men are willing to give away the little secret that the have hiding in their underpants…. 

This must be really important for those guys involved otherwise it wouldn’t have made the internet news… It is really fascinating to say the least but hey… I wouldn’t ask a guy if I could have a peek in his underpants before the action begins… That would be a bit rude to say the least.. Or maybe one could say it’s like when you buy a car you like to look inside to see what is in there… in the interior hidden behind the price sticker…. 

I am not going to say “Gals when you go out with that guy; make sure you have your ruler with you to see if it is okay in his underpants”… no way he would say… but after a few he may be game and there you go the fun can begin 😉 

Gals must look at this from a scientific angle and not get tooooo carried away but if you must, you must have your little book to make that note of what you measured and then you can see what pair of underpants you got to know 😉 But that is your little secret and not to be shared with all because your other gal friends may get the same idea and start that too and there you go a whole new kind of way to get to know….. 

The rest I don’t have to say… I believe you are old enough to read and know what I am talking about , so always remember and there you go gals with the underpants story 😉 

Have a great day …. today…..  

My make-up and me.. copyright:sueromeiser2024

The heading says it all… Gals have you ever noticed that there is make-up out there for everything and there you go you feel better or at least someone does until you find out it doesn’t do what the packaging says… 

I saw a little article online about mascara that is good for teenies & for mature women… Boy what a sensation if I say so and now any mature gal can say ‘ I feel young right a-away’ needless to say you may look like your daughter who may not appreciate the fact that their mother looks like them and copies their mascara too.. 

There you go in the bathroom for your daily beauty routine and there in the make-up tray is that mascara staring at you and saying ‘ just put some on and you will feel 20 years younger”… The temptation is there burning inside just saying ‘ I want to feel young today”… So, what to do without anyone knowing and the thought that there could be serious germs in the package… Maybe risk it and then you decide to take a photo and go out later to the local beauty shop where you can buy that mascara that will make you feel 20 years younger again… 

But as all gals know the sales gals are really trained and they are not there to always think about how you want to look but how they want you to look… I want to look 20 years younger and only that mascara will do the job and who cares about what I have on because everyone will know that I have that mascara on that promises me to look 20 years younger again, and if no one notices I will say ‘ look at my eyelashes and you can see that I have the mascara on that makes me look younger” … and of course then they will say ‘ Boy, don’t you look good and you definitely look 20 years younger with that mascara on 😉 “ 

There you go now you can feel good too with the right mascara because everyone will only be looking  at your eyes with that look in their eyes say – I know your little secret with your mascara…. 

Now with those thoughts I feel like new and must rush out and find that brand to make me feel young again 😉 

So, gals out there never forget your mascara is the A & O in any make-up bag ! 


Well, the title says it all… and how that would work-out is a question in itself not to say how would everyone fit into the restroom and I hope that the facilities are clean,too…. 

Just imagine being invited to a wedding in a restroom and if it’s a sort of older service station, then there may only be one restroom for everyone and that may be a bit cramped to say the least with a unique fragrance in the air too..  The holy shit with that smell in the air to add to the whole experience, but then again maybe it is held in the winter and then since everything is frozen, it would be fine for the day… 

But the whole thing needs to be taken “unter der Lupe” to be serious… Who is actually standing in the restroom and too get dressed-up too? It seems like a questionable situation if you ask me… Okay you didn’t but you can imagine, if you did…

There you go – you confirm the invitation and not thinking about the location and get yourself all gussied-up for this event.. you drive there and see a service station and think… “ is this true?” yes, it is and there you say… “ This will be an interesting day.”  Your selfies of you in the restroom too there you smile with the toilet and co… to send to your fans who ask you so” where are you standing and is that so?”  Your group App and friends say “what a day”… and no one else knows what to say… 

But at the end of the day.. They chose the restroom of their choice and we could say … “Is that where they meet to have some play ?”… 

Wherever you choose to marry  –  have a great day!!

 MY MAN IS A BREATH AWAY… copyright: sueromeiser2024

Nothing worse than reading about a gal whose fiance has bad breath and they don’t want to cuddle…. a very upsetting experience for the gal as I can imagine… or maybe not or is it  just a little fling and he is not her fiance, so to say… We need facts here… And of course we are all curious what kind of guy he is too; to say the least…  

There you go… in the arms of that man and he breathes on you… OMG I would pass-out , no better yet.. tell him to go brush his teeth.. No bad breath is tolerated here!! just the thought of that would make any gal cringe… 

A thought here is I hope he brought his toothbrush with him and has the right kind of toothpaste too… God forbid the wrong kind of toothpaste or mouthwash… that would ruin the whole thing and it would be a reason to say … Okay… “We are done for the day” 😉 

Never mind the thought of what her friends would say… Let’s find out and I am sure they would say… I know nothing about your guys breath … okay… Though deep inside the WhatsApp chat is a message from her to him saying “ Do you know you had bad breath yesterday”… That is what your gal- friend would say… okay….  

Fling here… fling there is what we can say and the bad breath is not here to stay…. 

But most of all if they are in love she needs to say…. “ I have a little present for you here today”… and he opens it up with such emotions that he takes her breath away.. and there he sees in the box not a pair of socks but a new shiny toothbrush and so he says to her “That is wonderful” and lets her know … that is that and sends her on her way… 

A sad story to be read but if you think .. that it is okay … then you must be tactical in your own way and he won’t send her on her way because now he sees the toothbrush and co… are not as bad as they thought so…. 

Now, we know and it has been said, so always remember before that kiss never miss the chance to brush your teeth and say… “ Now we can kiss, because my teeth are clean and my breath is good”… and now it goes to say good oral hygiene can save your day!!!

Don’t forget to brush your teeth today and have a great day!!!

My beer and my carpet… copyright:sueromeiser2024

It’s always amazing to read how all those household hacks out there are going to improve my life and I never seemed to take notice of them and now here I sit and just can’t imagine how I missed out on the beer trick… OMG … My life wasn’t complete, up until I read that little lifes hack trick … okay.. years ago, it was called a cleaning trick or tip , but I need to stay with the times and not look toooooooo old fashioned here in the cleaning lifestyle of 2024… Cleaning trend 2024 a must know for everyone out there to say the least… 

Now just imagine, some friends stop by and have a 6 pack with them in the hopes that they can drink it at your place in your living room with wall-to-wall carpeting… No, way I say… pour it directly onto the carpet and there you go… I guess while it is working (so to say) they run out quickly and buy another 6 pack for themselves to indulge in… or at least they may think so….   Though if you take it seriously your place may end up smelling like a brewery and not have the desired effect like mentioned in the article… 

Okay, maybe I overdid it with the six pack…. I need to spray it onto the carpeting… Now, I need a spray bottle… Another issue to take care of and how long do I have to wait for the beer to clean my carpet???? Though another scenario … You invite some friends around for an evening meal – hopefully they like what you cook and don’t come with a list of things that they don’t eat – I would send them back home and say “Hey, I am not a restaurant here!” … I like to think positive and once my carpet is cleaned with the right brand of beer ( The brand of beer is the A&O of cleaning the carpet) or even worse they come into the living room and can smell that you chose the wrong brand of beer to clean your carpet with… Disaster ist pre-programmed and the evening “ist im Eimer” to put it nicely … I would inform myself first to make sure to avoid such mishaps or even worse they take pictures of my clean carpet; cleaned with the wrong brand of beer and post it on a social media site saying “ Sue, didn’t clean her carpet with the right brand of beer”…. There you go…. it’s over with .. and you are branded with that brand of beer 😉 

Life can be challenging in the world of cleaning carpets and the beer you use, so my advice is make a concept and remember it all depends on your BEER! 

Have a great Saturday today and remember don’t drink toooooo much beer! 

You are never alone with Party line Überwachung ©sueromeiser2022

Years ago it was the simple party line.. You picked up the receiver and could hear other folks talking on the phone line about what ever.. Those were the days. it was a real party line.. Women met on their party line to gossip and chat about the newest news in the neighborhood without leaving the comfort of their homes and could do this for hours if everyone was on the same line and the best past it didn’t cost them a dime. “ Money saving tips of the day”….

Then came the end of the party line and you had to pay for each phone call and there was no internet or Whatsapp to see what someone else wrote or listen in on their conversation or try to get the edge on their emails or private life…. That was the easy-going life and you didn’t have to worry about hacker or trackers that were / are stalking in your router…

Now-a-days it a whole other ball game…


First join that group and collect as many cell numbers as possible, after that make sure you know when they are online so that you can see what they are up too or what they have written, but the most important aspect for the Hackers & Trackers is to find your location and Bingo … they think that they know everything and can control things … These folks are the one who need help.. really now who cares what the other person is up too… I am not interested… The others are interested because they don’t have a life.. There you have it in a nut shell !

Then there are those who block others Facebook accounts because they don’t want the person, they blocked to find out what they are writing about on this social platform… Secret agents at work 😉

Now there are the highlights with the Google accounts and there android applications.. Here are real exciting things going on, and those Hackers & Trackers try to steal other data to make it look like the person they stole the data from is trying to hack into their cell phone..

But what is even more interesting are the hard drive Linux users.. Here is an eye opener.

L – Lack of brains and too much time on their hands or are involved in questionable ISSUES:

I – Idiots who think I don’t know what they are doing in their hideout.

N- no real information to pass on to their controllers.

U – probably sitting in front of their computer with hard-drive in their underwear.

X- have an x-phobia and need help to cope with the world around them.

But the computer hard drive is not to be forgotten either. This is essential for these hackers & trackers.

H – help what should I do?

A – A shit.. I lost the data that I just stole!

C- it’s cold in this room.

K – I have no idea what this letter means?

E- I need something to eat!

R – My computer needs to be rebooted because I hacked into the wrong computer.


T – tell me what to do!

A – a shit… my battery is dead.

C – Call later , I’m busy hacking.

K – What part of the hard-drive is this?

E – The electricity has gone off… Now what ?

R – I need a rest to read how to be a tracker.

S- Who said that this system was easy to hack & track?

So, just keep these simple facts in mind and you are on the road to being a Hacker & Tracker and maybe if you are lucky, you can join their fan-club too!

A man that thinks he can… ©sueromeiser2021

Nowadays there are guys and there are guys.. Which guy is always the question for the gals of today and remember gals when choosing that guy make sure he is well maintained and not over the expiration date, otherwise that could bring trouble into your life.

Here are some tips for you gals out there who maybe looking, because this time of year seems to bring all sorts of characters out of their hiding, and you as a gal don’t want to end up with a guy who is on the edge of his expiration date of 2021 and in the new year you are stuck with last years model and you have to support the guy because he made some false promises and you fell for them.

Always when looking for that “Pracht Exlempar” see that it is in good shape, no dents,etc… You modern gals know what I mean.

I myself as a gal of today always look carefully at what is walking around town and not interested in the used guys online with their fantasy stories that are a load of BS..

Like I wrote a while back it is important to check out the following and have your check list handy when meeting that “joker” for the first time.

Tips by Sue… Please adjust accordingly to your needs so that your first date doesn’t go sour!

  1. See that he doesn’t look down at you.
  2. Avoid guys that say “Trust me”
  3. Any guy that wants to share his meal and askes for an extra plate is to be avoid by all means… That means that he is a tight wad… Defiantly not for me and the crowd I hang around with, if you know what I mean???
  4. Make sure he pays for the meal on the first date and no S… , or are you an easy catch and then you can forget everything!
  5. Last but least make sure you do your homework before meeting him.. Nothing worse than sitting there with the joker and all he does is bull shit his way through the meal.. Not for me.. No Thank you!
  6. The most important of all is have the check list on the table so that he can fill it out right away and you can see if he is the one for you.
  7. Can the guy hold a knife and fork correctly in his hand.. You wouldn’t want to be invited to a nice restaurant and have everyone stare at you because your date doesn’t know how to use cutlery. A pre-programed disaster!

So, gals just follow some of the above tips and you are sure to be on your way to the best evening of your life and remember don’t forget your check list and humor 😉

Disgusted  ©sueromeiser2021

There are people out there who love to use the word disgusted all the time which I find as a gal some what dated and really doesn’t fit into the lingo that I use. I’m a more upbeat gal and like to stay on track when using such words and as many of you know who read my blog these words must understood in order to use them correctly.

So here is a short translation of the word “disgusted” so that the next time you use it you will be sure that you are on the safe side when talking to those you want to insult 😉

D – is for: the distraught manner in which the person views things

I –  is for: I have no idea what so ever what is going on, so I use this word.

g- is for:  This GD situation has gotten out of control, and I am sitting in deep shit.

u- is for: unbelievable

s- is for: probably what the person using the word wants.

t- is for: temperamental and one should always keep a rein on their temper.

e-is for: they think that they are elevated or better than you are.

d- is for: dim wit

So always think before speaking when using such words because as you know every letter of a word can be interpreted in many ways.

Enjoy speaking and have a great day!

Lies and life                           ©sueromeiser 2021

Times have changed trough the years with the pandemic of Covid-19 it has become visible that more and more people are turning into liars in the hope to make themselves feel better and avoid the painful truth that life will never be the same again.

Chasing after someone and trying to trick them somehow or preventing them from receiving their emails and tell others that they are mentally ill is the “new” fun in society because they think they can get away with anything they want too as long as they themselves don’t get caught in their lies like they tell at work or to others who they encounter.

For them fraud is a way of life or the thought that they are better than others treating them like dirt! That’s fun in their eyes and if the person they are treating badly says or does something they are the bad guy. Is this the new norm here? … Yes, because they sit there and spy on others, steal things from others and break into there rooms and probably others home’s too.

Welcome to the new world!

No one takes the time anymore to think about what they are doing and how this effects their lives too… Their thought “Ruin someone else’s life, because I am not happy with my own life.” Or to cover up a bad deed that they did.. This is society at its best and everyone is afraid of something and if someone says to them” I will blackmail you” they cower to them instead of seeing it as just “hot air” which it really is.

Then there are those who think they know it all and really don’t know a darn thing at all; just some made-up story that sounds good and brings some excitement into their lives. Reality is not always pretty but one has to face up to it and the reality that they themselves are in trouble.

One should think again before acting too swiftly to bad mouthing others or …..

Enjoy your holidays and take the time to think about what you have done or said this year 2021 and about that person you know.