My beer and my carpet… copyright:sueromeiser2024

It’s always amazing to read how all those household hacks out there are going to improve my life and I never seemed to take notice of them and now here I sit and just can’t imagine how I missed out on the beer trick… OMG … My life wasn’t complete, up until I read that little lifes hack trick … okay.. years ago, it was called a cleaning trick or tip , but I need to stay with the times and not look toooooooo old fashioned here in the cleaning lifestyle of 2024… Cleaning trend 2024 a must know for everyone out there to say the least… 

Now just imagine, some friends stop by and have a 6 pack with them in the hopes that they can drink it at your place in your living room with wall-to-wall carpeting… No, way I say… pour it directly onto the carpet and there you go… I guess while it is working (so to say) they run out quickly and buy another 6 pack for themselves to indulge in… or at least they may think so….   Though if you take it seriously your place may end up smelling like a brewery and not have the desired effect like mentioned in the article… 

Okay, maybe I overdid it with the six pack…. I need to spray it onto the carpeting… Now, I need a spray bottle… Another issue to take care of and how long do I have to wait for the beer to clean my carpet???? Though another scenario … You invite some friends around for an evening meal – hopefully they like what you cook and don’t come with a list of things that they don’t eat – I would send them back home and say “Hey, I am not a restaurant here!” … I like to think positive and once my carpet is cleaned with the right brand of beer ( The brand of beer is the A&O of cleaning the carpet) or even worse they come into the living room and can smell that you chose the wrong brand of beer to clean your carpet with… Disaster ist pre-programmed and the evening “ist im Eimer” to put it nicely … I would inform myself first to make sure to avoid such mishaps or even worse they take pictures of my clean carpet; cleaned with the wrong brand of beer and post it on a social media site saying “ Sue, didn’t clean her carpet with the right brand of beer”…. There you go…. it’s over with .. and you are branded with that brand of beer 😉 

Life can be challenging in the world of cleaning carpets and the beer you use, so my advice is make a concept and remember it all depends on your BEER! 

Have a great Saturday today and remember don’t drink toooooo much beer! 

Complaining According to Plan       ©sueromeiser2022

The title says it all “Complaining According to Plan”.. Now there are folks out there who love to complain and if they didn’t have anything to complain about, they wouldn’t be happy.

 There are those who see something and right away it is something to complain about.. The washing machine is a good one or who can be first in the WC there you go just trying to aggravate someone so that they will complain and at the end of the day they are the ones complaining because no one else complained..

Or a great one is the washbasin where someone else may use the washbasin next to the one they use and there you have it a storm is brewing… just imagine there lurking in the deep spaces of the bathroom are those unknown and then they may want to use your washbasin and probably even turn the water tap on and then and there is the tragedy of the running water faucet and those things that are lurking in the bathroom just waiting to pounce on the person. Now they have something to complain about..

Then there is the kitchen sink with the frying pan that low and behold made its way out of the cupboard and onto the stove top just there alone with the spatula waiting for the photo to be made so that someone can complain.

But complaining can turn into a social event where everyone gets in on the fun of complaining, so to say the new “Social Sport of 2022”..

There you go and how to find something to complain about can easily be achieved if you practice at it a couple of times a day and then you can qualify for the “World Class Complainers Cup”; there you will be competing against some of Germany’s top complainers who have been complaining for years and know the ins and outs of complaining.

This is by no means an easy competion .. Germans are world class as any complainer knows and if you don’t know how to complain then you can throw in the towel before you start.

I must admit I can not compete in this area, because complaining doesn’t get you anywhere anyway. It only makes things worse and at the end of the day the complainers are more upset than ever, but they have had a chance to complain.

Have you ever noticed how upset complainers get when they don’t get their own way or the fact that when they complain no one listens to them or even better they make a fool of themselves by complaining; those are just some highlights as complainers love to complain.

Has anyone given any thought about what they have complained about today and where their complaining has gotten them???

But at least you can say that you have complained, and there you go when someone askes “What’s New?” you can say: “I complained:” and that is complaining in a nutshell.

Enjoy your complaining and don’t forget maybe not everyone wants to hear your complaint either!

Eating, looks and Co.

Now that the official X-mas time is over and the new round of eating(cooking included), looks and what ever else is in store for us gals now??? That is the question of all questions……….

I was just online reading or maybe better said scrolling through the headlines of a certain publication only to be bombarded with how some young thing looks at 20-25 with the fashion outfit of the year 2020… Which I must be honest and say “ if I wore that people would run away or ask me what has happened to you….?”  A nightmare at my house to say the least.. maybe that look is better left alone along with the pumped-up bits that make this look such a look for 2020.

Though I do have some questions about all that pumped-up stuff.. “How often do you have to go in for a maintenance check, and what happens when you get older?” I do not want to think about it!!

Then there are the eating issues about what people buy and who likes what they buy or who does not like what they buy… Why do they even post what they buy online?? Are you interested in my grocery purchases??

Just image that I bought some vegetables that you do not like… Then what??? Therefore, I will not post any controversial pictures of my groceries that could lead to an online uproar…  then there is the “what I have cooked from my groceries”.. That can be an OMG moment to say the least… because we all do not like nor eat the same things. This again could lead to online issues too. I will stay on the safe side and post nothing… I feel better already, to say the least!

Now back to the serious stuff like make-up, which is a never-ending series of looks, how to apply it and so forth. That was there too and how much make-up do I need to create all these looks that these 20-year old’s “create” and as they say hide all the wrinkles, too. At twenty you do not have wrinkles at a later stage in life is when the wrinkles are there, and the make-up just does not look the same… or am I missing something?????

After the fashion, food, and make-up I am ready for a break from it all and need to go offline to see the real world and all its wonders.  

Past-Thanksgiving Memories

As a kid I never really appreciated how much time and work my mom put into making our Thanksgiving dinner.

She started a couple of days before with preparing for that day… And she was never stressed out or upset, she just got on with it and cooked-up a fantastic meal in my eyes! Thanks mom

There on Thanksgiving morning mom would disappear into the kitchen for hours preparing the meal and the smell of the turkey baking in the oven was indescribable. I was not allowed in the kitchen when she was cooking as she put it “It’s too dangerous” … What was dangerous, I have no idea. I think it was to keep me out of the kitchen, so that I would not nag her or ask questions like “When can we eat?” Though to go outside, I had to walk through the kitchen, which on Thanksgiving day was more than once, because I needed to check the temperature out side or go out with the dog.. Any excuse to ask my mom “When will dinner be served?” And hope that she would give me something

Looking back, I think after about the tenth time of taking the dog out my mom had enough of the questioning and said that I did not need to take the dog out again. The dog loved walking through the kitchen too, with the hopefulness that something would fall from the counter into his mouth.. No such luck!!

Then came the highlight of the day… Dinner was served, and dad would carve the turkey and we would all enjoy the meal that my mom had spent hours/ days preparing, and now in about 60 minutes ( not too sure about the time span) it was over ,and all we had left was some leftovers for another meal.

On Thanksgiving my mom seemed to spend the whole time in the kitchen besides when she ate with us. Looking back, she worked really hard and was alone in the kitchen there working away, and I wonder today if she really knew how much we appreciated what she had cooked for us and the time she invested for that day, too ????

One thing is for sure, it may have gone unnoticed then, but it was never forgotten!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I reposted this from a past post, but mom’s are always cool people no matter what.
Have a great Mother’s Day – all the moms out there in the world!

Moms are the Best!
Posted on May 10, 2012 by sueromeiser(copyright)

Mother’s day is coming up, and why is that only one day a year? Moms should be celebrated everyday for what they do or did and not only for one day.

My mom did great things for me and put up with all my nonsense when I was a kid. My mom was always there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or she was my friend too and I could do lots of things with her. I didn’t see my mom as just a mom that should be thanked only on one day a year.

I was thankful everyday of the year. She taught me so many wonderful things and taught me to be strong and not let things get you down so quickly. I love my mom and I will admit it, even though she can’t hear/ read what I say. But I bet if she could read a blog from heaven she would smile at what I wrote.

Moms are great! My mom always had baked cookies and on cold days when I came home from school there on the table waiting for me were wonderful cookies fresh out of the oven.

My mom made sure that I always did my homework; even when I didn’t want too and now I am thankful for that. My mom taught me how to cook – ok, not every meal turned out but I never starved.

My mom taught me to be patient and not always be in a hurry or how to appreciate the small things in life because they are important too.

My mom was a bundle of wisdom in my eyes and always will be with her smile on her face or her laughing about something. The woman had a sense of humor too and she passed all those great things onto me.

Mom I love you!

So everyone out there don’t forget your mother wherever she is and all the great things that she did for you!

Better call the Chiwawa’s

Have you ever thought about dogs and breeds before? I bet not, at least at the moment, and even as a dog owner you choose a breed that fits to you. Now having time to let my mind wander around and think about different things instead of sitting in my office, so I started to think about dogs.

There are the dogs that like to hang-out and do their own thing and when possible make themselves comfortable on the sofa and take a nap and enjoy a bit of quality time on the sofa instead of napping in their baskets…. Really the choice between napping in a basket or napping on the sofa…. The choice is clear the “SOFA” is the winner!

Or the innocent look dogs give you after they have done something they shouldn’t have done. If the dog could speak it would definitely blame someone else, because there is no way with that look on their face that they could have chewed-up and destroyed the new cushions on the sofa or when they can’t get their own way, and then as experience shows; the dog pees on a potted plant in the living room.. and I would love to just scream at the dog, but somehow even when I did it didn’t seem to phase him.

When I think back to our Jack Russel that we once had… he ruled the house and had everything and everybody under control. Nothing went unnoticed nor did he fear anything!

He knew how to wrap people around his “paws”, when it came to someone new coming around for a BBQ (his favorite event in the summer months.). There he would sit and stare at the person and pretend that he hadn’t eaten in weeks, and of course he got his way and got a piece of steak or such, and would walk off as if to say “ hey, I know how to get what I want”!!
I am sure some of you can relate to this as a dog owner.

My dog knew everyone in our neighborhood and who was BBQing, so he would invite himself to the neighbors ,so that he could enjoy an afternoon or evening of good food and attention, then come back home later on with a smile on his face as if to say “ I had a great time and you weren’t invited”.

Though there was a dog in our neighborhood that was a Chiwawa that was always jumping up and down and barking all the time!! I always wondered about that dog because it not only always was barking but was always running around in circles chasing nothing…. I guess maybe that’s the breed???

The dog tried to attack anything that moved, but never managed because the other dogs in the neighborhood didn’t want to be friends with the Chiwawa… They would just stand there and look down at the Chiwawa as if to say “What’s your problem and find some other dog to hang-out with”.

When thinking back and reflecting about my Jack Russel, he was probably right about all the barking that the Chiwawa did and there was no content in it; simply just a bunch of hot air… Like people can be in our society today.

Now is time to reflect on those times with your dog; whether it by funny or not.
Have a great day wherever you are!

Splash -Splash in my Kiddy Pool

Well, as things are and the warmer days are slowly approaching and we’re not only thinking about our figure or better said I’m not thinking about my figure and if anyone ever saw me in a bikini; the beach would be cleared-out in a minute…..OMG!!!

But this year I don’t have to worry about clearing the beach out because I have bought the beach to my back yard. Okay, you can forget the sand, but the feeling is there.

You know really, creativity is needed nowadays and so with a giant poster which I have hung on the fence in my back yard, which is a picture of my last vacation hot spot…. I am directly on the beach without leaving home! What could be better????

Just imagine sitting there in your kiddy pool (no PG-13 here), just the pure luxury of your kiddy pool and your favorite drink in your hand….. Life at its best!!! Sitting there in your kiddy pool looking at the poster and dreaming of that vacation.

The best bit is you don’t have to fight the traffic to get there nor worry about missing your flight either. The kiddy pool is directly at your backdoor doorstep… Life couldn’t be easier!!

Plus, I read some great tips on the internet as to how I can fill my kiddy pool up with water…..

One idea was to use a plastic bottle… Sport program before swimming… that’s for me!!! All I need to do is fill-up a plastic bottle with water and then pour the water out into my kiddy pool and after about ten thousand times of walking back and forth my kiddy pool is full of water and I am totally exhausted and need a nap to recover from filling my kiddy pool up with water.

Then again halfway through this whole sporting activity I will need to take a break for a beer to recover from those strenuous calories that I lost walking back and forth with my plastic bottle.
And what is even worse by the time I finish this whole thing with the water then it is evening and it is too cold to even think about using my kiddy pool…..XY?F

Though there was a life hack (great suggestion if you own a hose); were you fill-up your kiddy pool with water using a hose…. Good idea if you own one, but I don’t own a hose…. So I am SOL!!!! But without a hose I am burning calories running back and forth with my plastic bottle of water for my kiddy pool and bikini figure here I come!!

Okay, finally I got my kiddy pool filled-up with water and it looks good too, but OMG the water is sooooooo cold it could freeze your backside off…. I think I’ll put-off my swimming adventure in my kiddy pool for now and just enjoy the poster that I hung on my fence in my back yard and think about all those great vacation memories.

Enjoy your vacation memories, because they last longer than a kiddy pool!

Need a Coffee Break?

HI everyone out there in the internet world who may be enjoying a nice cup of coffee and wondering to themselves ” I need a little laugh today”.
Enjoy your coffee!

Coffee in my car
Posted on April 2, 2012 by sueromeisr-copyright

Most people love to drink a fresh cup of coffee no matter where you are; whether out and about or just hanging out. There’s nothing better than a good cup of coffee to make your day go better or just to relax and enjoy it.

With the coffee to go rage that’s one thing, but by the time you get back into your car the coffee has cooled off a bit and that can be somewhat disappointing if it’s cold outside.

But there is supposedly a new gadget that can help you while you are driving. How it works I am not too sure but can image though that it takes some pretty tricky maneuvering to drive and make coffee at the same time.

You just backed your car out of the driveway and head down the street and think to yourself “It’s high time for a fresh cup of coffee” and so what do you do?
You get out your little coffee maker gadget and turn it on and press a few buttons and place a porcelain mug (no paper cups please) under the thing that squirts out the coffee and there you go a hot cup of good’ol coffee! Oh, I forgot you need to put some coffee in the thing too..Sorry

I am starting to get the jitters from the caffeine in my coffee so I better be careful here or I may get forgetful…

What worries me with this whole set-up is as a gal -> how can I drive, make coffee and put my make-up on all at the same time, and still keep my eye on the road, and maybe send a couple of text messages to my gal friends saying that I’m having a fresh cup of coffee in my car. Or you guys too -> read the newspaper (whatever section interests you) make your coffee and send out a couple of emails from your handheld device, and also keep your eye on the road. Has anyone managed to do that???

I bet there are some seminars out there for this problem and I am going to register for one of them and earn a certificate in making coffee in my car.

Though guys and gals must be careful not to spill any of their coffee on themselves because if they don’t have the built-in dry cleaners in their car than that could means trouble with a capital ”T” !!

You cannot get out of the car with a coffee stain on your cloths because everyone would then know that you have the coffee gadget but not the dry cleaning gadget and that could really put a spot on your day…

I see this as real multi-tasking and by the time I get to work I am ready for the day. Plus to solve my dirty cup problem I’ve installed a mini dish washer in my car, so that I don’t have any dirty mugs lying around in my car when I come out in the evening after work.

I wonder just how many people own such a thing and do you need a special license to use it because it sounds like it may be part of one of those new ways to drive your car and therefore you need a special coffee-making license. But either way you look at it; it maybe a “must have” for 2012.

Enjoy a good cup of coffee wherever you are!

The morning show… Good morning on Sunday ©sueromeiser

Well as you know we all (well most of us) watch the morning show to give us an insight into our day and to inform ourselves about the events around the world.

As a gal who loves to watch TV and keep herself informed in these trying times, I have started to watch the morning show. There I sit in my living room with my trusty zapper in my hand and I zap through the channels in the hope to find a program that would interest me. I mean really there are the business programs reporting to us the latest stock market activity… Which again this jargon can be really confusing and sending my brain spinning…. OMG!!! What are those people talking about???? I need help just understanding the whole thing. Plus, the events like crimes and such about how the bad people in the world do bad things to other people…. That is really sad, if you ask me… What is the world coming to????

Then comes the tidbits about what is going on in the world of entertainment …. NOW …. That’s for me… seeing all those stars and getting a glimpse into their everyday lives. I mean really what those people are up too and what kind of houses they live in… it is just an OMG moment!!!!

After a few commercials which offer me the opportunity to spend my money on things that I don’t need… I love commercials… There was one for some gardening stuff… Garden here I come, and it is true that gardening season is starting… Folks get out there and get that garden in order, now you have time…. At least I do!!

Thank goodness the commercials are over and I can finally get down to watching some serious television where the presenters talk about all kinds of stuff were they try to make the viewer feel like they are sitting with them on the hosts sofa presenting their show…. I wonder how much money those presenters make???? Maybe I should apply for a job as a morning TV host…… There are bright colored letters is my name and the world can sit in front of their tv’s and watch me present them the morning show…. WOW!!!!!! Stardom here I come….

I am getting bored watching tv because I normally don’t watch soooooo much tv, so maybe I should do something else???? Like go for a walk and get some fresh air or like I read the other day, which I found really interesting, learn something new while you have the time now instead of vegetating at home doing nothing…. Those are really great tips and can be fun too! Thanks to those TV folks for inspiring me!!!

So, to all those morning TV show fans…. Enjoy your morning show and as they say…. Stay tuned for the next episode… Have a great day!

Our kitchen table

I bet you never thought about your kitchen table, or have you? It is a piece of furniture that is simply there hanging around in your kitchen taking up space or used as a community meeting spot in the house.

That table is a place to sit around and enjoy a meal or celebrate something it is simply always there. Then there’s the time when we sit around the kitchen table to tell our tales of adventure or to cry our eyes out with tears of pain or sorrow our trusty table brings us together to plan our next vacation or plan our careers. The kitchen table is the center of the universe at home.
Think about it the kitchen table fits to your kitchen, it maybe modern, vintage or something you made yourself, but it is your kitchen table. It makes a statement about the people who live in your house. It endures things that no other piece of furniture in the house endures or puts up with.

The kitchen table is your desk, a place to eat, a place to sit around and watch someone cook… it is simply there. People pound their fists on the table, throw things on it or fold their laundry on it… The kitchen table is there.

Very seldom does the kitchen table change like other pieces of furniture in your house. We buy a new sofa, or dining room table, but the kitchen table stays where it is. It has found its place in the house and knows that it belongs to the house, and season for season it is there.

If a kitchen table could talk, I am sure it could tell a tale or two and maybe even surprise those who hear the tales being told. Or the secrets the table could keep and not tell anyone…(not that the table can talk, but if it could OMG!!)

But the best thing about a kitchen table could be the memories it brings back of carefree days as a child when coming home from school on a cold winter day to find a warm cup of cacao and the smell of fresh baked cookies and then surprisingly the warm cookies would appear on the table to be gobbled down…. Those are the wonderful memories of the kitchen table.

Sit at your kitchen table and enjoy it and the fond memories it brings back!!!