Human wireless      ©sueromeiser2021

Guys I wouldn’t want to forget you at this time of the year of cheer… Now here is something nifty for the guys of today.

Sitting on the couch and wondering what the heck should I do, well you got it with your human wireless headphone.

I know as a gal I don’t know much about this techy stuff but it sure sounds to me like something out of this world… I always thought that humans were wireless but now that it is confirmed I just don’t know what to say anymore.

There you are sitting with your Human ( I hope that you are human and not one of those robo people buyers who want to replace a real gal.) wireless headphones on and listening to your favorite music or whatever.. and then a real human says to you “What the H.. are you doing??” , well all you have to say is… I’m using my human wireless headphones… Maybe you could add the extra bit as who is wireless, but be careful with that sentence, because if you say that to your gal, she may blow a fuse and then your human wireless situation could end up in a burnt-out situation and then you cannot replace the fuse anymore and that could be costly.

But before it comes to that there is the great “ hug smart remote”.. This handy little thing has lots of buttons that you can push and then something happens… Though do read the instruction carefully because certain numbers can cause you trouble while using the “hug smart remote”… you don’t want to get caught with your pants down. So take heed here.

When using the “human wireless headphones” together with the “ hug smart remote” make sure you are using the right frequency and have the right conductivity because you wouldn’t want your wires to get crossed and have a blackout in the house, because then you would need your nifty little “ human wireless flashlight” and without that you will really be in the dark and won’t be able to find your way to the fuse box without getting some static .

With all these three little lifesavers you are sure to have a happy holiday season.  

Zapping through the channels

Zapping through TV channels can be a great past time when you have nothing to do or there isn’t anything to watch on TV…. I would say most of the time there isn’t anything to watch or????

Well, there is bad news abound about your remote control and …… Where did you put it??? Any ideas or has that device decided to hide itself somewhere in your house??? It is said that we spend two whole weeks of our lives searching for that object so we can zap through the channels of our TV’S.

If I had only known that years ago I could have saved myself some time and done something else… What… look for my keys!!

Keys are like TV remote controls, and reading glasses can be put in this category too! It always seems to me that where ever you put your keys they are never there when you are looking for them and I will never understand it??? I know I left my keys in my handbag but now they aren’t there and seemed to have hidden themselves somewhere else in the house… but where???? Or there are the reading glasses. I know I left then on the nightstand by the bed and now where the heck have they taken off too???

And then the remote has gone missing too. It was on the coffee table this morning when I left the house and now it’s not there. I need to send out a search party in my house to find all that stuff because I think those objects get together when no one’s home and think about ways” how can we annoy her and she will have to search all over the house to find us.”

I bet you have those problems too at your place but may not want to admit it. And what is really interesting about all this is that this problem isn’t a new one. My parents had the same problem without the remote control, because I was the remote control… I bet if I got a dollar for each time my dad misplaced his reading glasses or keys when I was a kid; I would have been a millionaire by the time I was 20, but as luck would have it, my dad never gave me a dollar for each time he misplaced something- too bad…

Plus maybe you have heard this too at your place (it’s common at ours) “ What did you do with the remote control?”

I answer: I haven’t seen it.

My guy: I know you had it because you have been home all afternoon.

Please, tell me what does that have to do with the remote control when I never ever stepped foot into the living room but somehow I am guilty. This logic seems to always amaze me. What do I know I only live here!!

So, I think I better get more organized because I don’t … I repeat don’t want to waste too much of my time looking for the remote control when I can be looking for my glasses or keys, Enjoy your search at your place too!!