Christmas is over….

Well Christmas is over and now we are counting the days until the New Year 2017…. My how time fly’s!

Though Christmas is not that far in the past and so many people seem not to gotten the present they hoped for and want to return it to where it was purchased and exchange it for something else that they like… this seems like a normal thing with lots of people, but I must be lucky because I am always happy with what I receive and never want to return anything that I get.

And now there are the over abundance of tips as to what to do with the leftovers from Christmas dinner and how to store all the food properly, as if it is something new all these food hacks (ideas/tips) nothing has changed, just the design of the plates the food is served on and as for storing the food, common sense I hope still exists and we know what to do.

Though like every year now there are the tips on how to lose those extra Christmas pounds in time for New Years Eve, so you can wear that new little outfit…. I think I’ll skip that and wait and enjoy myself instead of worrying… I feel better already!
Nothing worse than not being able to enjoy yourself…. Everyone around you is eating and drinking something, and there you are saying” Sorry, no thanks. I am on a diet until 31 December”… Just image the comment or the facial expression of the person you say that too…. They will/would probably think you’re nuts!!

Sorry got a bit sidetracked here. I think I’ll just put my feet-up and take it easy and enjoy myself and forget about all the food hacks,diets,etc….

Enjoy yourself too….Christmas is over only once a Year!

The Importance of a Woman’s Brain

Gal’s brains too are full of great things as I learned from this past weekend’s newspaper too… Now I can honestly say that I can finally understand myself after all these years… Ok, it’s taken awhile but I know now!!!

It is said that gal’s brains are divided into sections too, so that we have at least something in common with guy’s brains… what a small world it seems to be!!!

Diet section: I’ve been watching my weight for years, but I can always find something new to think about when it comes to dieting like: no candy bars for the next 2 days.. And now I already feel better with this thought because it is part of my diet.

Hair section: A nightmare when your hair doesn’t look good and I have a bad hair day…. No more thoughts today except my hair … OMG!!!!!

What to wear section: Oh, that takes up a major section of my brain and when I open my closet door and stand there I have make that all decisive decision “ what do I wear today?” – You can sort of compare this to a multi-million dollar decision as to how to run a company… But running a company could be easier!!!

Shoe section: Key section and equal to the “what to wear section”…. I love my shoes so much that my brain cells are shaped like shoes… to keep my thoughts focused.

Spending money section: Stores here I come!! But this section of the brain is connected to your wallet, so how much you spend depends on how much money is in your wallet… but a degree of happiness is always there.

Speaking section: Now, I would rate this as the utmost important section of a gal’s brain because many of us gal’s love to talk and I can only speak for myself… I could talk for hours and never run out of things to say!

So, gal’s when you put all those great sections of your brain together we have great thoughts, and talking about that… Have a happy time thinking about whatever it may be!

Weighty Waistlines

It’s the same problem every January; the weighty waistline. I have been reading today and trying to sort out which one of the thousands of tips and diet plans out there that will melt those dreaded holiday season accumulation of calories around my wait away. I find accumulation of calories somewhat better then saying ‘I’ve gained weight or gotten fat.” – I dread those words and avoid them at all possible costs!

I am not even sure if I will even try some of those crazy plans out there and isn’t it true that once you get past a certain age you only need to look at the food and it’s on your hips??? I feel that way and am not ashamed to say sooooooo. Nor should you be either. That’s life and somehow I have come to terms with it whether I like to admit it or not.

Somehow all those lonely items hanging in my closet saying to me …. Lose a couple of pounds and we can be friends again. That thought just makes me cry when I open my closet and all the things are just hanging there waiting so patiently for me to take them out and let them see daylight again. But somehow even with not eating tooooo much and exercising regularly my waistline just doesn’t want to be like it was when I was 20 years old. Why I ask… what have I done to deserve this???? Any answers out there??????

It seems to be a vicious cycle every year when the New Year starts in January we all seem to think about our waistlines and maybe go on a diet. How many people actually manage to loose and keep off those pounds that they have melted from their waistlines???

Another problem is – all the candy and chocolates that I have gotten for Christmas… That great tasting stuff just can’t be thrown away.. I need to enjoy it!!!! Or maybe if I just look at the box and not eat its contents then I will be saved, but I need will power to keep myself away from the box crying out to me saying “ open me up- and eat a few of the great tasting chocolates!”

Now that is really hard to resist no matter what you say!! So, that means that I will have to postpone my diet until I have enjoyed all the boxes of chocolates that I have received. But maybe after I have eaten all the chocolate and put myself on strict diet then maybe my lonely clothes that are hung in my closet can be my friend again??? And so I ask my closet “Please be patient and wait for me, because I do want to be friends with all my clothes again and then I will feel good!”

And I bet many people out there feel the same way I do. So, do as I and try to be friends with those items of clothes waiting patiently for you in your closet and you too will feel good too.”